On Fri, 24 Jun 2005 09:02:15 -0700, <peter@gigamonkeys.com> wrote:
Peter Seibel <peter@gigamonkeys.com> writes:
So it's not just me. The common variable may be Windows XP--does anyone have SLIME running successfully on Windows XP? With CLISP?
SLIME works fine with Personal Lispworks and 21.3 GNU emacs. But I use AutoIt, thus hiding whatever details are needed here. -------------------- Run, "C:\\Program Files\\Xanalys\\LispWorks Personal\\lispworks-personal-4300.exe" WinWaitActive, Upgrade LispWorks LeftClick, 330, 410 Sleep, 1000 WinActivate, Listener 1 Send, (load "slime"){ENTER} Sleep, 2000 WinMinimize, LispWorks Personal Edition 4.3.7 Run, "C:\\Program Files\\emacs\\bin\\runemacs.exe" WinWaitActive, emacs@TICKER Sleep, 1000 send, {ESC}xslime-connect{ENTER}{ENTER}{ENTER} Exit ------------------------------ "slime" ------------------------------ (load "c:/Program\ Files/emacs/site-lisp/slime/swank-loader.lisp") #-clisp (swank::create-swank-server 4005 :spawn #'swank::simple-announce-function t) #+clisp (swank::create-swank-server 4005) -------------------- I don't remember if I have the Hyperspec working and it has been awhile since I used this lisp setup, but it never had a problem I as I recall. -- The LOOP construct is really neat, it's got a lot of knobs to turn! Don't push the yellow one on the bottom.