Mac Chan wrote:
It would be great if you guys can replace the CVS checkout instruction in the slime homepage with this one-liner
cvs -z3 -d checkout slime
This way people can just copy with the mouse and paste it into the terminal.
I'll take this as an opportunity to advertise "upstream":
That gives you shell commands
sfnet clnet savannah gna
which fetch CVS projects from the respective upstream repos. (No subversion, darcs, etc. support at the moment.)
There are no manpages, but the usage info should be pretty clear:
clnet --help
usage: clnet [--help | --version] project [module] [directory] [username]
Check out a project from developer or anonymous CVS.
Options: --help Prints this message and exits. --version Prints version string and exits.
Arguments: project Name of the project to check out. module Name of the CVS module the check out. Defaults to project. directory Local directory to check out to. Defaults to module. username username to use for developer checkout.
Uses the developer CVS if username is given, otherwise uses anonymous CVS. Aborts if a file or directory with the same name as the local checkout directory already exists.
-- Nikodemus