Matthias Koeppe <mkoeppe+slime@mail.math.uni-magdeburg.de> writes:
I am sending a new patch that improves arglist display and slime-complete-form. This patch supersedes the one from my message of Feb 22, which has not made it into CVS yet.
I know it's late in the game to be asking this, but what's the complete-form command really used for?
The patch integrates the code for detecting extra keyword arguments for generic functions into the arglist display in the echo area, as suggested by Luke.
What I would really like is that if I type this: CL-USER> (defclass foo () ((x :initarg :x) (y :initarg :y))) #<STANDARD-CLASS FOO> CL-USER> (make-instance 'foo then slime-space arglist display shows this: (make-instance 'foo &key x y) basically for slime-space to generate output similarly to slime-complete-form. And if we had such good arglist display as this I wonder if slime-complete-form would still be neede? -Luke (missing something!)