hi, On a debian 3.1 machine I have successfully installed Slime and Swank (debian package, 20051227-1) with SBCL (debian package, and, locally, it works. Then I have tried to use slime from a remote machine, using a ssh tunnel. I have created the tunnel this way ssh -L 4005: -p 2222 mylispserveraddr (2222 is the port on my server where ssh is). The problem is: when I try M-x slime-connect, emacs returns this error message: error in process filter: if: Wrong number of arguments: nil, 12 On remote I am using slime 1.2.1. I tried it with: - Aquamacs 0.9.8 (emacs on OS X (tunneling with ssh) - NT emacs 21.3 on Win XP (tunneling with PuTTY) - nqmacs on Win XP (tunneling with PuTTY) all three fail as above. Any idea?