Helmut Eller <e9626484@stud3.tuwien.ac.at> writes:
Paolo Amoroso <amoroso@mclink.it> writes:
Although the manual still mentions swank:*sldb-pprint-frames*, it looks like it's no longer in the code. Is there equivalent functionality in current SLIME? I use GNU Emacs 21.3.2 and CMUCL 2004-12 under Slackware Linux 10.0.
It has been renamed to *sldb-print-pretty*. There is also a bunch of
I get this error: ;; Loading #P"/home/paolo/.swank.lisp". Reader error at 55 on #<Stream for file "/home/paolo/.swank.lisp">: The symbol "*SLDB-PRINT-PRETTY*" is not external in the SWANK package. [...] I have grepped the sources, and the variable is indeed not there. What's puzzling is that a few hours ago I checked out a fresh working copy from the the CVS repository...
The manual is currently a bit behind with the code, but a quick search in the ChangeLog gives usually a hint was happened to previously exported symbols.
I recall the rename. At that time, since I knew I was not going to update my sources for some time, I added a comment to my ~/.swank.lisp noting the new name for the variable. Bet when I tried it today and got the above error, I thought some other changes had been made while I was not watching. Paolo -- Why Lisp? http://alu.cliki.net/RtL%20Highlight%20Film