* "Tobias C. Rittweiler" <874p1io355.fsf@freebits.de> : Wrote on Fri, 05 Dec 2008 20:03:50 +0100: | Madhu <enometh@meer.net> writes: | |> * "Tobias C. Rittweiler" <87bpvwqk1r.fsf@freebits.de> : |> Wrote on Mon, 01 Dec 2008 11:14:24 +0100: |> |> | Do not use the slime-autodoc contrib, or alternatively, set |> | `slime-use-autodoc-mode' to nil. |> |> Shouldn't `slime-autodoc-mode' be buffer local? I'm used to eldoc which |> you turn explicitly in one buffer. You toggle it off using the same |> function. |> |> With slime-autodoc the global value gets toggled each time you call M-x |> slime-autodoc-mode. This behaviour was very confusing. | | Patch welcome! This is hardly fair! :) I never use the mode, but made the observation when it was turned on. But since you asked! Here is a patch that removes the timer business and uses the eldoc mechanism instead by setting eldoc-documentation-function to a modified slime-autodoc. You can toggle it off per buffer with M-x eldoc-mode Now I can complain how slime devs always reject ALL my patches. :) [I noticed some deps on autodoc other slime contribs like typeout frame which I have not checked. Also this does not fix a bug which causes the value of `slime-modeline-update-timer' to be displayed in the minibuffer. If I were to fix that, I'd rewrite the update-modeline mechanism too. So this is just a proof of concept patch] -- Madhu :)