I am brand new to Slime, not entirely new to Emacs. Trying to install Slime 2.0 in either Emacs 22 on XP or Emacs 21 on Cygwin, and with both I get the same two errors - "Lisp nesting exceeds max-lisp-eval-depth" and "Variable binding exceeds max-specpdl-size," both related to tramp-file-name-handler. Attempting to increase values for these results in no improvement. Once values exceed 10000, Emacs predictably blows up. I have no idea how to set a backtrace for this error; setting up tramp error logging does nothing, probably because tramp isn't being started. No references that I can find in the Slime documentation for this problem. Here are the relevant init settings for Emacs 22 on XP - nothing unusual so far as I can tell: (add-to-list 'load-path "/L:/Free/Office/Contacts/Wanderlust/Hacking/lisp/slime/") ; your SLIME directory (setq inferior-lisp-program "C:/Program Files/acl80-express/allegro-ansi.exe") (require 'slime) (slime-setup) Help would be appreciated ...