* Zoong PHAM [2007-11-22 00:42+0100] writes:
On Wednesday, 21 November 2007 at 23:50:39 +0100, Helmut Eller wrote:
Could you try the CVS version of Slime
I tried the CVS version of Slime. No luck :-(
;; Error while loading: /usr/local/home/zoong/.slime/fasl/2007-11-19/clisp-2.33.2-unix-unknown/swank-clisp.fas ;; Condition: READ from #<CLOSED INPUT BUFFERED FILE-STREAM CHARACTER ;; #P"/mnt/zoong/src/slime-snap20071122/slime/slime/swank-clisp.lisp" @351>: there is no package with name "REGEXP"
Hmm, the CVS version needs the REGEXP module. Apparently that isn't loaded in your CLISP version. You could try this with Slime 2.0 and CLISP 2.33: 1. start CLISP in a terminal and load the Swank server with (load "swank-loader.lisp") 2. enable debug output with (setq swank:*log-events* t) 3. start the server (swank:create-server) 4. in Emacs type `M-x slime-connect' Emacs should then try to connect and you should see at least some output in the terminal. Perhaps we can learn from that where the segmentation fault occurs. Helmut.