A new version of MCLIDE is now available. MCLIDE is a free open source Macintosh IDE for Lisp implementations on any platform. It is a double-clickable, stand-alone development environment that just like SLIME connects to a swank server on a target lisp. The application can be downloaded from: http://mclide.in-progress.com The new version of MCLIDE supports LispWorks and Steel Bank Common Lisp (SBCL) as target lisp implementations, in addition to Clozure CL and Macintosh Common Lisp (MCL). MCLIDE can potentially be used with the same Lisp implementations as SLIME. MCLIDEs user interface provides rich interactive development and debugging tools in the form of dialogs interacting with the target Lisp, creating a consistent developer experience regardless of the Lisp. It now includes a plug-in for lisp symbol completion. Another plug-in provides optional lisp syntax styling. Follow the progress of MCLIDE at www.twitter.com/mclide -- Terje Norderhaug terje@in-progress.com