* Helmut Eller <heller@common-lisp.net> | Eduardo Muñoz <emufer@terra.es> writes: | | > The feature request is to send more arguments to | > slime-translate-to-lisp-filename-function and her sister | > slime-translate-from-lisp-filename-function, say | > (lisp-implementation-version) and (machine-instance). I am | > no elisp expert and failed to work out something like | > this. The idea is to be able to know if the translation is | > really needed (emacs on windows, lisp on linux) or not | > (everything on linux). The easy part is to know where emacs | > is running and the hard one (that I leave to fine slime | > hackers :) is to know the lisp host environment. | | I've added elisp functions slime-lisp-implementation-version and | slime-machine-version. The values are initialized at startup. Thank for the change. | Btw, you could have used something like | | (slime-eval '(cl:lisp-implementation-version)) | ... I could had I know that it existed. I was not evident how to implement this functionality with my knowledge of slime protocols (almost zilch) and elisp. So thanks again for implementing this feature. :) For the curious here are the functions that I use in its final state: (defun emacs-running-on-windows () (string-match "\\(somehost\\|otherhost\\)" (system-name))) (defun lisp-running-on-linux () (string-match "\\(|lispserver\\foobar\\)" (slime-machine-instance))) (defun my-translate-to-lisp (here) ;; from e:/ to /home/emf/ (if (and (emacs-running-on-windows) (lisp-running-on-linux)) ;; subseq strips drive letter & colon (concat "/home/emf/" (subseq here 3)) here)) (defun my-translate-from-lisp (there) ;; viceversa (if (and (emacs-running-on-windows) (lisp-running-on-linux)) (concat "e:/" (subseq there (length "/home/emf/"))) there)) (setq slime-translate-to-lisp-filename-function 'my-translate-to-lisp slime-translate-from-lisp-filename-function 'my-translate-from-lisp) -- Eduardo Muñoz | (prog () 10 (print "Hello world!") | 20 (go 10))