Luke Gorrie <luke@bluetail.com> writes:
I'm feeling impulsive lately. How about shooting for a 1.0 release?
I know some people are already in favour (hi Brian :-), so I'm particularly probing for the opinion of the other side (hi Helmut :-)
Yes, would be good to make the 1.0 release before SLIME begins to suffer to much from creeping featurism. It would also be nice to have a completed project (my list of unfinished stuff is depressingly long). I think Martin Simmons enhancements for LispWorks are ready, and he will commit them in the next few days; perhaps we could make a feature freeze afterwards. Where should install we SLIME by default? A writable directory would be the easiest for us; not sure if distributors like that. I don't plan to add much new stuff in the future; the current state seems to satisfy my needs. Helmut.