GP lisper <spambait@CloudDancer.com> writes:
The only thing that tends to break predictably is slime-1.2.1!
You have it backwards.
Get real. The 1.2.1 tarball is outdated by _any_ accounting. It is obvious that yoou don't like SBCL, which is your prerogative. SBCL is not the issue here, however, but Slime tarballs. If Mario is willing to make tarballs on a regular basis then I say more power to him. If no-one is willing to make any releases at all, that is fine too, and we can move the outdated tarballs to a history/ directory. This, however doesn't seem to be the case. I propose that we give Mario the godly authority to follow any release schedule he like, incrementing the point-release-number for each, but maybe starting with 1.3.0 to make a clean break with 1.2.1, so that the second release would be 1.3.1. Cheers, -- Nikodemus Schemer: "Buddha is small, clean, and serious." Lispnik: "Buddha is big, has hairy armpits, and laughs."