[slime-devel] OpenMCL and OS X

[ I'm posting through GMAME (for now), so please CC me. Hopefully SLIME will just work after this so I won't have to bother you again. :> ] I'm having trouble getting SLIME to work with a 'M-x slime'. I get the following error: Welcome to OpenMCL Version (Alpha: Darwin) 0.14-031220! ? ;; Compiling /Users/dmagda/Code/lisp/slime/swank-openmcl.lisp... ; Warning: Interface file #4P"ccl:darwin-headers;libc;functions.cdb" does not exist. ; While executing: CCL::CDB-OPEN Read error between positions 6215 and 6330 in /Users/dmagda/Code/lisp/slime/swank-openmcl.lisp.
Error in process listener(1): Foreign function not found: OS::|tmpnam| While executing: CCL::LOAD-EXTERNAL-FUNCTION Type :POP to abort. Type :? for other options.
I've download the "jaguar-interfaces" (assuming it will work under Panther (10.3.2)). I've put everything in "/Users/dmagda/Code/ccl". Here's the directory listing: gandalf:~/Code/ccl> ls LGPL ccl/ doc/ dppccl.image LICENSE darwin-headers/ dppccl* scripts/ The "CCL_DEFA..." directory is set as: CCL_DEFAULT_DIRECTORY=/Users/dmagda/Code/ccl Any suggestions?

LGPL ccl/ doc/ dppccl.image LICENSE darwin-headers/ dppccl* scripts/
you've got one too many ccls in there.. the contents of ccl/ccl/darwin-headers should be in ccl/darwin-headers. the easiest thing would be to delete ccl/ccl, cd to /Users/dmagda/Code and untar again. ...bryan

That worked, thank you: it's always the blindinly obvious that you miss. Now a different error: Welcome to OpenMCL Version (Alpha: Darwin) 0.14-031220! ? ;; Compiling /Users/dmagda/Code/lisp/slime/swank-openmcl.lisp... Read error between positions 6699 and 6863 in /Users/dmagda/Code/lisp/slime/swank-openmcl.lisp.
Error in process listener(1): There is no package named "ASDF" . While executing: CCL::%COLLECT-XTOKEN Type :GO to continue, :POP to abort. If continued: Retry finding package with name "ASDF". Type :? for other options.
I know that "asdf" is a packaging system. I don't remember reading reading anywhere that it's a requirement but a quick grep through the slime directory shows several references to "asdf".

I know that "asdf" is a packaging system. I don't remember reading reading anywhere that it's a requirement but a quick grep through the slime directory shows several references to "asdf".
the copy of asdf that i've been using has some fixes for openmcl and can be found here: http://evins.net/downloads/asdf.lisp the minimum you'll need is for asdf to be located somewhere in your *module-search-path*, so that (require :asdf) will find and load it. my openmcl-init.lisp looks like this: (pushnew #4p"home:lib;openmcl;" *module-search-path* :test #'equal) (require :asdf) there's a good asdf and asdf-install tutorial here: http://weitz.de/asdf-install/ you may also want to look at my require replacement for openmcl that will integrate with asdf: http://sexp.typepad.com/sexp/2004/02/require.html if you have further openmcl-specific problems getting slime running, you can contact me off-list or find me on #lisp. ...bryan

Thanks, it works nicely now. Installed asdf and followed the instructions at: http://weitz.de/asdf-install/
participants (2)
bryan o'connor
David Magda