[slime-devel] Re: [Sbcl-devel] "Cannot find source location" Error

On 12-Dec-07, at 7:23 PM, Juho Snellman wrote:
Jean-Philippe Barrette-LaPierre <jpb@rrette.com> writes:
I'm using sbcl- took from http://sbcl.static.net/ builds/. When I evaluate the following code:
(declaim (optimize (speed 0) (space 0) (compilation-speed 0) (debug 3)))
(defun test () (break))
The "source" command within the debugger returns this: "Cannot find source localtion for #<COMPILED-CODE-LOCATION (SB- C::VARARGS-ENTRY BREAK)>"
Is it a known problem? What am I doing wrong?
You're trying to show the source of BREAK. Assuming your goal was to show the location of the *call* to BREAK, you need to navigate to the debugger frame for TEST (with up/down) before using the command.
)") (11 "(SWANK::SWANK-COMPILER #<CLOSURE (LAMBDA NIL) {119AB815}>)") (12 "((LAMBDA NIL))") (13 "((SB-PCL::FAST-METHOD SWANK-BACKEND:CALL-WITH-SYNTAX-HOOKS (T)) #<unused argument> #<unused argument> #<CLOSURE (LAMBDA NIL) {119A6DC5}>)") (14 "(SWANK::CALL-WITH-BUFFER-SYNTAX #<CLOSURE (LAMBDA NIL) {119A6DC5}>)") (15 "(SB-INT:SIMPLE-EVAL-IN-LEXENV (SWANK:COMPILE-FILE-FOR-EMACS \"/ Users/jpbarrette/Projects/MakeGrapher/test.lisp\" T) #<NULL-LEXENV>)") (16 "((LAMBDA NIL))") (17 "((SB-PCL::FAST-METHOD SWANK-BACKEND:CALL-WITH-DEBUGGER-HOOK (T T)) #<unused argument> #<unused argument> #<FUNCTION SWANK:SWANK- DEBUGGER-HOOK> #<CLOSURE (LAMBDA NIL) {119A6C8D}>)") (18 "((LAMBDA NIL))") (19 "((SB-PCL::FAST-METHOD SWANK-BACKEND:CALL-WITH-DEBUGGER-HOOK (T T)) #<unused argument> #<unused argument> #<FUNCTION SWANK:SWANK- DEBUGGER-HOOK> #<FUNCTION (LAMBDA NIL) {11F7E895}>)")) (2)) (:debug-activate 0 1) (:emacs-rex (swank:frame-source-location-for-emacs 1) nil 0 3) (:return (:ok (:error "unhandled DEBUG-CONDITION:\n#<SB-DI::COMPILED-DEBUG-FUN TEST> has no debug-block information."))
)") (11 "(SWANK::SWANK-COMPILER #<CLOSURE (LAMBDA NIL) {11BC3FED}>)") (12 "((LAMBDA NIL))") (13 "((SB-PCL::FAST-METHOD SWANK-BACKEND:CALL-WITH-SYNTAX-HOOKS (T)) #<unused argument> #<unused argument> #<CLOSURE (LAMBDA NIL) {11BC3FCD}>)") (14 "(SWANK::CALL-WITH-BUFFER-SYNTAX #<CLOSURE (LAMBDA NIL) {11BC3FCD}>)") (15 "(SB-INT:SIMPLE-EVAL-IN-LEXENV (SWANK:COMPILE-FILE-FOR-EMACS \"/ Users/jpbarrette/Projects/MakeGrapher/test.lisp\" T) #<NULL-LEXENV>)") (16 "((LAMBDA NIL))") (17 "((SB-PCL::FAST-METHOD SWANK-BACKEND:CALL-WITH-DEBUGGER-HOOK (T T)) #<unused argument> #<unused argument> #<FUNCTION SWANK:SWANK- DEBUGGER-HOOK> #<CLOSURE (LAMBDA NIL) {11BC3E95}>)") (18 "(SWANK::SLDB-LOOP 1)") (19 "((SB-PCL::FAST-METHOD SWANK-BACKEND:CALL-WITH-DEBUGGING- ENVIRONMENT (T)) #<unused argument> #<unused argument> #<FUNCTION (LAMBDA NIL) {120F761D}>)")) (5 2)) (:debug-activate 0 2) (:emacs-rex (swank:frame-source-location-for-emacs 1) nil 0 6) (:debug-condition 0 "#<SB-DI::COMPILED-DEBUG-FUN TEST> has no debug- block information.") (:return (:abort)
Sorry, the source of the problem originated with SLIME usage. I tried to send a quick example that wouldn't rely on SLIME behavior and I didn't checked properly what I was doing. You're right sbcl behaves as it should in that case. It seems in fact to be a problem with SLIME. It seems someone has already sent an email about this problem: http://common-lisp.net/pipermail/slime-devel/2007-November/006761.html == little part of message == I start SBCL by M-m M-x slime SLIME does start up, I get a lisp prompt and it seems to behave normally. However, the connection between SBCL and SLIME is rather shaky. At some point during working with SBCL, I lose the function parameter info, I also can't break running code then. == end of part of message == If I load the test file (code above) within slime and I do: M-x slime M-x slime-compile-and-load-file When I enter in the debugger, the "v" command for any of my own stack frame, it prints: #<SB-DI::COMPILED-DEBUG-FUN TEST> has no debug-block information. or #<SB-DI::COMPILED-DEBUG-FUN TEST> has no debug-block information. However, if I compile back and load (slime-compile-and-load-file) the file, without having specified the action to take for the debugger (Debugger is still active), then I can see that the same messages are displayed for 1/10 of a second, but then "Evaluation aborted" is printed. I'm using slime-2.0, but slime-cvs (took around the 2007-12-10) does the same thing. Here's the *slime-event* buffer: (:emacs-rex (swank:connection-info) nil t 1) (:indentation-update (("with-locked-hash-table" . 1) ("with-unlocked-packages" . 1) ("with-timeout" . 1) ("define-source-context" . 2) ("without-package-locks" . 0) ("with-unique-names" . 1) ("with-float-traps-masked" . 1) ("awhen" . 1) ("defun-cached" . 2) ("prepare-for-fast-read-char" . 1) ("dx-flet" . 1) ("once-only" . 1) ("define-function-name-syntax" . 2) ("do-info" . 1) ("dx-let" . 1) ("dovector" . 1) ("collect" . 1) ("named-lambda" . 2) ("with-rebound-io-syntax" . 0) ("prepare-for-fast-read-byte" . 1) ...)) (:return (:ok (:pid 17387 :style :fd-handler :lisp-implementation (:type "SBCL" :name "sbcl" :version "") :machine (:instance "jean-philippe-barrette-lapierres-computer.local" :type "X86" :version nil) :features (:sb-bsd-sockets-addrinfo :asdf :ansi-cl :common-lisp :sbcl :sb- doc :sb-test :sb-ldb :sb-package-locks :sb-unicode :sb-eval :sb- source-locations :ieee-floating-point :x86 :unix :mach- o :bsd :darwin :mach-exception-handler :sb-lutex ...) :package (:name "COMMON-LISP-USER" :prompt "CL-USER"))) 1) (:emacs-rex (swank:compile-file-for-emacs "/Users/jpbarrette/Projects/ MakeGrapher/test.lisp" t) nil t 2) (:write-string "\n") (:write-string "; compiling file \"/Users/jpbarrette/Projects/ MakeGrapher/test.lisp\" (written 12 DEC 2007 09:08:11 PM):\n\n; / Users/jpbarrette/Projects/MakeGrapher/test.fasl written\n; compilation finished in 0:00:00\ntest2: a 1\ntest: b 1\n") (:debug 0 1 ("break" " [Condition of type SIMPLE-CONDITION]" nil nil) (("CONTINUE" "Return from BREAK.") ("ABORT" "Abort SLIME compilation.") ("ABORT-REQUEST" "Abort handling SLIME request.") ("ABORT" "Exit debugger, returning to top level.")) ((0 "(BREAK \"break\")") (1 "(TEST 1)") (2 "(TEST2 1)") (3 "(SB-FASL::LOAD-FASL-GROUP #<SB-SYS:FD-STREAM for \"file /Users/ jpbarrette/Projects/MakeGrapher/test.fasl\" {11B487B1}>)") (4 "((FLET SB-THREAD::WITH-RECURSIVE-LOCK-THUNK))") (5 "(SB-FASL::LOAD-AS-FASL #<SB-SYS:FD-STREAM for \"file /Users/ jpbarrette/Projects/MakeGrapher/test.fasl\" {11B487B1}> NIL #<unavailable argument>)") (6 "(SB-FASL::INTERNAL-LOAD #P\"/Users/jpbarrette/Projects/ MakeGrapher/test.fasl\" #P\"/Users/jpbarrette/Projects/MakeGrapher/ test.fasl\" :ERROR NIL NIL :BINARY NIL)") (7 "(SB-FASL::INTERNAL-LOAD #P\"/Users/jpbarrette/Projects/ MakeGrapher/test.fasl\" #P\"/Users/jpbarrette/Projects/MakeGrapher/ test.fasl\" :ERROR NIL NIL NIL :DEFAULT)") (8 "(LOAD #P\"/Users/jpbarrette/Projects/MakeGrapher/test.fasl\")") (9 "((SB-PCL::FAST-METHOD SWANK-BACKEND:SWANK-COMPILE-FILE (T #1= \"#<...>\" . #1#)) #<unused argument> #<unused argument> \"/Users/ jpbarrette/Projects/MakeGrapher/test.lisp\" T NIL)") (10 "(SWANK::MEASURE-TIME-INTERVAL #<CLOSURE (LAMBDA NIL) {119AB815} 3) (:debug-activate 0 1) (:emacs-rex (swank:frame-source-location-for-emacs 2) nil 0 4) (:return (:ok (:error "unhandled DEBUG-CONDITION:\n#<SB-DI::COMPILED-DEBUG-FUN TEST2> has no debug-block information.")) 4) (:debug-activate 0 1) (:emacs-rex (swank:compile-file-for-emacs "/Users/jpbarrette/Projects/ MakeGrapher/test.lisp" t) nil t 5) (:write-string "; compiling file \"/Users/jpbarrette/Projects/ MakeGrapher/test.lisp\" (written 12 DEC 2007 09:08:11 PM):\n") (:write-string "\n; /Users/jpbarrette/Projects/MakeGrapher/test.fasl written\n; compilation finished in 0:00:00\nSTYLE-WARNING: redefining TEST in DEFUN\nSTYLE-WARNING: redefining TEST2 in DEFUN\ntest2: a 1 \ntest: b 1\n") (:debug 0 2 ("break" " [Condition of type SIMPLE-CONDITION]" nil nil) (("CONTINUE" "Return from BREAK.") ("ABORT" "Abort SLIME compilation.") ("ABORT" "Return to sldb level 1.") ("CONTINUE" "Return from BREAK.") ("ABORT" "Abort SLIME compilation.") ("ABORT-REQUEST" "Abort handling SLIME request.") ("ABORT" "Exit debugger, returning to top level.")) ((0 "(BREAK \"break\")") (1 "(TEST 1)") (2 "(TEST2 1)") (3 "(SB-FASL::LOAD-FASL-GROUP #<SB-SYS:FD-STREAM for \"file /Users/ jpbarrette/Projects/MakeGrapher/test.fasl\" {11BFD571}>)") (4 "((FLET SB-THREAD::WITH-RECURSIVE-LOCK-THUNK))") (5 "(SB-FASL::LOAD-AS-FASL #<SB-SYS:FD-STREAM for \"file /Users/ jpbarrette/Projects/MakeGrapher/test.fasl\" {11BFD571}> NIL #<unavailable argument>)") (6 "(SB-FASL::INTERNAL-LOAD #P\"/Users/jpbarrette/Projects/ MakeGrapher/test.fasl\" #P\"/Users/jpbarrette/Projects/MakeGrapher/ test.fasl\" :ERROR NIL NIL :BINARY NIL)") (7 "(SB-FASL::INTERNAL-LOAD #P\"/Users/jpbarrette/Projects/ MakeGrapher/test.fasl\" #P\"/Users/jpbarrette/Projects/MakeGrapher/ test.fasl\" :ERROR NIL NIL NIL :DEFAULT)") (8 "(LOAD #P\"/Users/jpbarrette/Projects/MakeGrapher/test.fasl\")") (9 "((SB-PCL::FAST-METHOD SWANK-BACKEND:SWANK-COMPILE-FILE (T #1= \"#<...>\" . #1#)) #<unused argument> #<unused argument> \"/Users/ jpbarrette/Projects/MakeGrapher/test.lisp\" T NIL)") (10 "(SWANK::MEASURE-TIME-INTERVAL #<CLOSURE (LAMBDA NIL) {11BC3FED} 6) (:debug-activate 0 2) (:emacs-rex (swank:frame-source-location-for-emacs 2) nil 0 7) (:debug-condition 0 "#<SB-DI::COMPILED-DEBUG-FUN TEST2> has no debug- block information.") (:return (:abort) 7) (:debug-activate 0 2)
And frankly, I would suggest using the Slime debugger rather than the built-in one.
-- Juho Snellman
participants (1)
Jean-Philippe Barrette-LaPierre