[slime-devel] [NEW] all-logical-hosts

I am making a logical pathname inspector for use with Swank. Common LISP provides #'logical-pathname-translations that works on the name of a logical host. However, it assumes that the developer already know the hostnames. However, Common LISP does not provide a function to get all logical hostnames. I suggest adding a function to Swank to discover the names of all logical hosts. Here is a candidate with implementations for Clozure and LispWorks: ;; swank-backend.lisp (definterface all-logical-hosts () "Return a list of the names of all logical hosts" NIL) ;; swank-openmcl.lisp (defimplementation all-logical-hosts () (mapcar #'car ccl::%logical-host-translations%)) ;; swank-lispworks.lisp (defimplementation all-logical-hosts () (let (result) (maphash (lambda (key value)(push key result)) system::*logical-pathname-translations*) result)) ;; alternatively: (defimplementation all-logical-hosts () (loop for key being the hash-keys of system::*logical-pathname- translations* collect key)) -- Terje Norderhaug
participants (1)
Terje Norderhaug