Re: [slime-devel] Shutting down Swank within an Image.

I'm not aware of a way to do this portably but if there is a way I would be happy to learn. :) Andrew On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 12:28 PM, Jeffrey Cunningham <> wrote:
On Fri, 04 Nov 2011 08:54:34 -0700, Andrew Myers <> wrote:
I've got an updated version that seems to work quite well:
(defun aux-save-image (image-name) (let ((old-restart excl:*restart-init-function*)) (setf excl:*restart-init-function* (lambda () (dolist (connection swank::*connections*) (format t "closing ~a~%" connection) (swank::close-connection connection nil nil)) (when old-restart (funcall old-restart)))) (excl:dumplisp :name image-name) (setf excl:*restart-init-function* old-restart)))
Is there anything wrong with doing things this way? I get the same number of threads after I restart an image saved this way (i.e. no left overs from prior runs) and things don't hang. If this seems like a clean solution I may add a (close-all-swank-connections) method to the swank package and make the swank-backend:save-image implementation for Allegro do something like this.
Does this sounds like a valid solution to the problem that other Lispers would be happy with?
Other than being a solution specific to EXCL it looks reasonable.
participants (1)
Andrew Myers