[slime-devel] Problem installing slime on emacs 22 & windows XP.

Hello group,
I am in the embarassing situation that I have installed slime succesfully on one XP laptop, but fail to do it on my XP workstation. The main symptom on the failing machine is that after emacs opens up an inferior lisp process, it fails to load a lisp file with the following error message: LOAD: A file with name /c/lispbox-0.7/slime-20060110/swank-loader.lisp does not exist
Here are some details of my setup:
My procedure for installing slime was to try to copy the setup from lispbox-0.7. This is the "complete clisp+emacs+slime" installation for windows. I looked at lispbox.bat file, from which I gathered that in emacs I need to 1: define the environment variable LISPBOX_HOME 2: load lisbox.el and 3: execute slime.
Well, I managed to do that on the laptop. Initially I had problems because I had installed both lispbox-0.7 directory and the slime-2.0 directory in c:\Program Files (with the space). These two directories are now residing directly under C:. After further work, my .emacs file has the following slime-related code:
(setq inferior-lisp-program (concat (local-setting 'cygwin-root) (local-setting 'cygwin-clisp))) (add-to-list 'load-path (local-setting 'slime)) (load "lispbox"))
Here the (local-setting ...) retrieves my cygwin root and my clisp directories, so that emacs can find clisp. I am attaching lispbox.el. At the end of the file, it does some stuff to prep slime (slime-setup). <<lispbox.el>>
The inferior lisp buffer can interact with clisp (the one that came with cygwin).
Thank you very much for your help,
participants (1)