When i try to run slime-inspect (find-class 'araneida:request) slime drops me into the debugger with the following message:
destructure-case failed: ("This is instantiated when a client makes a request to the http server") [Condition of type SIMPLE-ERROR]
The backtrace is here:
Backtrace: 0: (SWANK::INSPECTOR-CONTENT-FOR-EMACS '("Name: " (:VALUE REQUEST) (:NEWLINE) "Super classes: " (:VALUE #<STANDARD-CLASS STANDARD-OBJECT>) (:NEWLINE) "Direct Slots: " (:VALUE #<STANDARD-DIRECT-SLOT-DEFINITION for instance slot URL #x35449AC6> "URL") ", " (:VALUE #<STANDARD-DIRECT-SLOT-DEFINITION for instance slot HTTP-VERSION #x35449A7E> "HTTP-VERSION") ...)) 1: (SWANK::INSPECT-OBJECT #<STANDARD-CLASS REQUEST>) 2: (SWANK:INIT-INSPECTOR "(find-class 'request)") 3: (CCL::CALL-CHECK-REGS 'SWANK:INIT-INSPECTOR) 4: (SWANK::EVAL-FOR-EMACS '(SWANK:INIT-INSPECTOR "(find-class 'request)") "ARANEIDA" 70) 5: (FUNCALL 'SWANK::EVAL-FOR-EMACS) 6: (#<Anonymous Function #x353DE5C6>) 7: (SWANK::CALL-WITH-REDIRECTED-IO #<Anonymous Function #x353DE5C6> #<CONNECTION #x35415FBE>) 8: (SWANK::HANDLE-REQUEST #<CONNECTION #x35415FBE>) 9: (#<Anonymous Function #x353DBB86> #<CONNECTION #x35415FBE>) 10: (SWANK::CALL-WITH-REDIRECTED-IO #<CCL:COMPILED-LEXICAL-CLOSURE #x35417246> '(#<RESTART CCL:ABORT-BREAK #x711B1DF6> #<RESTART ABORT #x711B1E1E>)) 11: (SWANK::REPL-LOOP #<CONNECTION #x35415FBE>) 12: (CCL::RUN-PROCESS-INITIAL-FORM '(#<CCL:COMPILED-LEXICAL-CLOSURE #x3541538E>) #<PROCESS repl-thread(6) [Active] #x354153C6>) 13: (#<Anonymous Function #x3510043E> '(#<CCL:COMPILED-LEXICAL-CLOSURE #x3541538E>) 0) 14: (#<Anonymous Function #x350F34CE> 66926 #<LISP-THREAD repl-thread [tcr @ #x415B8] #x354154B6>)
A "normal" (inspect (find-class 'araneida:request)) works without any problems.
TIA Ralf Mattes
"R. Mattes" rm@mh-freiburg.de writes:
When i try to run slime-inspect (find-class 'araneida:request) slime drops me into the debugger with the following message:
i noticed this the other day:
(defclass foo () () (:documentazione "whatever"))
(documentation (find-class 'foo) t)
=> ("whatever")
i think i even sent a mail to openmcl-devel about this, in the mean time i have a horrible #+openmcl hack which i could send to the list