[slime-devel] slime-edit-definition suggestion (with patch)

just a quick hack to replace some code in my .emacs. feel free to ignore. currently slime-edit-definition takes an optional arg that when t will use a separate window. this patch changes that arg to instead be one of 'window or 'frame. if 'frame, it'll use switch-to-buffer-other-frame. the patch, as written, is not backwards-compatible with the old version. if that is important, it'd be trivial to rework the logic to use a frame when 'frame and window when non-nil. i imagine that most existing code wanting the other-window behavior uses slime-edit-defintion-other-window. this patch also changes the prompt in slime-edit-definition-other-window to "Symbol:" to be consistent with slime-edit-definition. one additional change (not in the patch) would be to bind s-e-d-o-w to "C-x 4 M-." and s-e-d-o-f to "C-x 5 M-.". i'm not up on my emacs keybinding standards.. so perhaps this is considered rude. ...bryan

"bryan o'connor" <bryan-slime@lunch.org> writes:
the patch, as written, is not backwards-compatible with the old version. if that is important, it'd be trivial to rework the logic to use a frame when 'frame and window when non-nil. i imagine that most existing code wanting the other-window behavior uses slime-edit-defintion-other-window.
Patch applied. Helmut.
participants (2)
bryan o'connor
Helmut Eller