[slime-devel] Slime filename completion for filenames with spaces

Attached below are two small changes that allow slime to complete filenames that have spaces in them. Filename completion is great--I admit to being mystified for a moment when I (unconsciously) hit tab while typing source code and slime did what I meant. The caveat is that with this change slime will try to complete any quoted string as a filename... but for me, the filename completion is worth it. Finally, the diff is against a slightly old version but I checked against the latest CVS version and the relevant lines of code haven't changed. Also I'm using a ~May 2006 build of Emacs from CVS. Cheers, Greg Index: slime.el =================================================================== RCS file: /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/slime.el,v retrieving revision 1.663 diff -c -r1.663 slime.el *** slime.el 16 Oct 2006 20:20:42 -0000 1.663 --- slime.el 29 Oct 2006 18:33:51 -0000 *************** *** 933,938 **** --- 933,941 ---- (easy-menu-define menubar-slime slime-mode-map "SLIME" slime-easy-menu) (add-hook 'slime-mode-hook + ;; GSN -- allow comint to complete filenames with spaces + (defun slime-allow-spaces-in-filename-completion () + (setq comint-file-name-chars (concat " " comint-file-name-chars))) (defun slime-add-easy-menu () (easy-menu-add slime-easy-menu 'slime-mode-map))) *************** *** 6148,6154 **** (defun* slime-fuzzy-complete-symbol () "Fuzzily completes the abbreviation at point into a symbol." (interactive) ! (when (save-excursion (re-search-backward "\"[^ \t\n]+\\=" nil t)) (return-from slime-fuzzy-complete-symbol (if slime-when-complete-filename-expand (comint-replace-by-expanded-filename) --- 6151,6158 ---- (defun* slime-fuzzy-complete-symbol () "Fuzzily completes the abbreviation at point into a symbol." (interactive) ! ;; GSN -- removed space from complemented character class ! (when (save-excursion (re-search-backward "\"[^\t\n]+\\=" nil t)) (return-from slime-fuzzy-complete-symbol (if slime-when-complete-filename-expand (comint-replace-by-expanded-filename)

Gregory Novak <novak@ucolick.org> writes:
The caveat is that with this change slime will try to complete any quoted string as a filename... but for me, the filename completion is worth it.
sounds like a good idea to me, anybody have problems with this? -- -Marco Ring the bells that still can ring. Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in. -Leonard Cohen
participants (2)
Gregory Novak
Marco Baringer