I'm used to typing (inspect foo) into the listener so I tried
(defun inspect (thing) (swank::eval-in-emacs `(slime-open-inspector ,(swank::inspect-object thing))))
which triggers a slime-bug.
If I M-x debug-on-entry slime-state/event-panic and then abort, nothing seems too disturbed.
Never mind. Have slime-open-inspector return t. -Alan
On Dec 15, 2003, at 2:57 AM, Alan Ruttenberg wrote:
I'm used to typing (inspect foo) into the listener so I tried
(defun inspect (thing) (swank::eval-in-emacs `(slime-open-inspector ,(swank::inspect-object thing))))
which triggers a slime-bug.
If I M-x debug-on-entry slime-state/event-panic and then abort, nothing seems too disturbed.