[slime-devel] Problems with SLIME and LispWorks 5

'm having trouble getting SLIME to start with LispWorks 5.0. I'm running the latest CVS of SLIME and I don't have any problems with CLISP or SBCL. I started Emacs without loading my configuration file ("emacs -q"), then loaded SLIME and evaluated (setq inferior-lisp-program "/usr/ local/bin/lispworks -tty") . Then I ran SLIME and watched some output scroll through *inferior-lisp*, only to stop at a CL-USER> prompt. The echo area informs me that SLIME is still polling the connection ("Polling "/tmp/slime.1257".. (Abort with `M-x slime- abort-connection'.)"). Clearing out old FASL's doesn't seem to make a difference. This is an Intel Mac, if that's relevant. The contents of inferior-lisp are below. Thanks, Bill ---------------- (load "/Users/batkins/emacs/slime/swank-loader.lisp" :verbose t) (swank:start-server "/tmp/slime.1254" :external-format :iso-latin-1- unix) LispWorks(R): The Common Lisp Programming Environment Copyright (C) 1987-2006 LispWorks Ltd. All rights reserved. Version 5.0.0 Saved by LispWorks as lispworks-5-0-0-x86-darwin, at 25 Jul 2006 13:57 User batkins on machamp-218.dynamic.rpi.edu ; Loading text file /Applications/LispWorks 5.0/Library/lib/5-0-0-0/ config/siteinit.lisp ; Loading text file /Applications/LispWorks 5.0/Library/lib/5-0-0-0/ private-patches/load.lisp ; Loading text file /Users/batkins/.lispworks ; Loading text file /Users/batkins/Code/Lisp/asdf.lisp ; loading system definition from ; /Users/batkins/.asdf-install-dir/systems/asdf-binary-locations.asd ; into #<The ASDF0 package, 0/16 internal, 0/16 external> ; Loading text file /Users/batkins/.asdf-install-dir/site/asdf- binary-locations/asdf-binary-locations.asd ; registering #<SYSTEM ASDF-BINARY-LOCATIONS 200B4ACF> as ; ASDF-BINARY-LOCATIONS ; Loading text file /Users/batkins/.asdf-install-dir/site/asdf- binary-locations/dev/main.lisp Warning: Overriding binding to #<EDITOR:COMMAND "Compile Defun" 20BBFF0B> with key-table. ; Loading text file /Applications/LispWorks 5.0/Library/lib/5-0-0-0/ translations/EDITOR-SRC.lisp ; loading system definition from ; /Users/batkins/.asdf-install-dir/systems/lw-add-ons.asd into ; #<The ASDF0 package, 0/16 internal, 0/16 external> ; Loading text file /Users/batkins/.asdf-install-dir/site/lw-add- ons-0.6.1/lw-add-ons.asd ; Loading /Applications/LispWorks 5.0/Library/lib/5-0-0-0/load-on- demand/web/lod-defsys.lisp on demand... ;; Creating system HQN-WEB-LOD ; Loading fasl file /Applications/LispWorks 5.0/Library/lib/5-0-0-0/ load-on-demand/web/browser.xfasl ; Loading fasl file /Applications/LispWorks 5.0/Library/lib/5-0-0-0/ load-on-demand/web/darwin-browser.xfasl ; Loading fasl file /Applications/LispWorks 5.0/Library/lib/5-0-0-0/ load-on-demand/web/search.xfasl ; Loading fasl file /Applications/LispWorks 5.0/Library/lib/5-0-0-0/ load-on-demand/web/editor.xfasl ; Loading fasl file /Applications/LispWorks 5.0/Library/lib/5-0-0-0/ load-on-demand/web/utils.xfasl ; Loading fasl file /Applications/LispWorks 5.0/Library/lib/5-0-0-0/ load-on-demand/web/manuals.xfasl ; Loading fasl file /Applications/LispWorks 5.0/Library/lib/5-0-0-0/ load-on-demand/web/tools-lod.xfasl ; Loading fasl file /Applications/LispWorks 5.0/Library/lib/5-0-0-0/ load-on-demand/web/initialize.xfasl ; Loading fasl file /Applications/LispWorks 5.0/Library/lib/5-0-0-0/ patches/hqn-web/0001/0001.xfasl ; Loaded public patch HQN-WEB 1.1 ; Loading fasl file /Applications/LispWorks 5.0/Library/lib/5-0-0-0/ patches/hqn-web/0001/0002.xfasl ; Loaded public patch HQN-WEB 1.2 ; registering #<SYSTEM :LW-ADD-ONS 200AF437> as LW-ADD-ONS ; loading system definition from ; /Users/batkins/.asdf-install-dir/systems/lw-doc.asd into ; #<The ASDF0 package, 0/16 internal, 0/16 external> ; Loading text file /Users/batkins/.asdf-install-dir/site/lw- doc-0.1.5/lw-doc.asd ; registering #<ASDF:SYSTEM #:LW-DOC 200C3EDF> as LW-DOC ; loading system definition from ; /Users/batkins/.asdf-install-dir/systems/cl-who.asd into ; #<The ASDF0 package, 0/16 internal, 0/16 external> ; Loading text file /Users/batkins/.asdf-install-dir/site/cl- who-0.6.1/cl-who.asd ; registering #<SYSTEM #:CL-WHO 215E7E77> as CL-WHO ; loading system definition from ; /Users/batkins/.asdf-install-dir/systems/cl-ppcre.asd into ; #<The ASDF0 package, 0/16 internal, 0/16 external> ; Loading text file /Users/batkins/.asdf-install-dir/site/cl- ppcre-1.2.16/cl-ppcre.asd ; registering #<ASDF:SYSTEM #:CL-PPCRE 215E9B1F> as CL-PPCRE ; Loading fasl file /Users/batkins/.fasls/lispworks-5.0.0-macosx-x86/ Users/batkins/.asdf-install-dir/site/cl-who-0.6.1/packages.xfasl ; Loading fasl file /Users/batkins/.fasls/lispworks-5.0.0-macosx-x86/ Users/batkins/.asdf-install-dir/site/cl-who-0.6.1/who.xfasl ; Loading fasl file /Users/batkins/.fasls/lispworks-5.0.0-macosx-x86/ Users/batkins/.asdf-install-dir/site/cl-ppcre-1.2.16/packages.xfasl ; Loading fasl file /Users/batkins/.fasls/lispworks-5.0.0-macosx-x86/ Users/batkins/.asdf-install-dir/site/cl-ppcre-1.2.16/specials.xfasl ; Loading fasl file /Users/batkins/.fasls/lispworks-5.0.0-macosx-x86/ Users/batkins/.asdf-install-dir/site/cl-ppcre-1.2.16/util.xfasl ; Loading fasl file /Users/batkins/.fasls/lispworks-5.0.0-macosx-x86/ Users/batkins/.asdf-install-dir/site/cl-ppcre-1.2.16/errors.xfasl ; Loading fasl file /Users/batkins/.fasls/lispworks-5.0.0-macosx-x86/ Users/batkins/.asdf-install-dir/site/cl-ppcre-1.2.16/lexer.xfasl ; Loading fasl file /Users/batkins/.fasls/lispworks-5.0.0-macosx-x86/ Users/batkins/.asdf-install-dir/site/cl-ppcre-1.2.16/parser.xfasl ; Loading fasl file /Users/batkins/.fasls/lispworks-5.0.0-macosx-x86/ Users/batkins/.asdf-install-dir/site/cl-ppcre-1.2.16/regex-class.xfasl ; Loading fasl file /Users/batkins/.fasls/lispworks-5.0.0-macosx-x86/ Users/batkins/.asdf-install-dir/site/cl-ppcre-1.2.16/convert.xfasl ; Loading fasl file /Users/batkins/.fasls/lispworks-5.0.0-macosx-x86/ Users/batkins/.asdf-install-dir/site/cl-ppcre-1.2.16/optimize.xfasl ; Loading fasl file /Users/batkins/.fasls/lispworks-5.0.0-macosx-x86/ Users/batkins/.asdf-install-dir/site/cl-ppcre-1.2.16/closures.xfasl ; Loading fasl file /Users/batkins/.fasls/lispworks-5.0.0-macosx-x86/ Users/batkins/.asdf-install-dir/site/cl-ppcre-1.2.16/repetition- closures.xfasl ; Loading fasl file /Users/batkins/.fasls/lispworks-5.0.0-macosx-x86/ Users/batkins/.asdf-install-dir/site/cl-ppcre-1.2.16/scanner.xfasl ; Loading fasl file /Users/batkins/.fasls/lispworks-5.0.0-macosx-x86/ Users/batkins/.asdf-install-dir/site/cl-ppcre-1.2.16/api.xfasl ; Loading fasl file /Users/batkins/.fasls/lispworks-5.0.0-macosx-x86/ Users/batkins/.asdf-install-dir/site/lw-doc-0.1.5/packages.xfasl ; Loading fasl file /Users/batkins/.fasls/lispworks-5.0.0-macosx-x86/ Users/batkins/.asdf-install-dir/site/lw-doc-0.1.5/specials.xfasl ; Loading fasl file /Users/batkins/.fasls/lispworks-5.0.0-macosx-x86/ Users/batkins/.asdf-install-dir/site/lw-doc-0.1.5/util.xfasl ; Loading fasl file /Users/batkins/.fasls/lispworks-5.0.0-macosx-x86/ Users/batkins/.asdf-install-dir/site/lw-doc-0.1.5/parse.xfasl ; Loading fasl file /Users/batkins/.fasls/lispworks-5.0.0-macosx-x86/ Users/batkins/.asdf-install-dir/site/lw-doc-0.1.5/pages.xfasl ; Loading fasl file /Users/batkins/.fasls/lispworks-5.0.0-macosx-x86/ Users/batkins/.asdf-install-dir/site/lw-add-ons-0.6.1/packages.xfasl ; Loading fasl file /Users/batkins/.fasls/lispworks-5.0.0-macosx-x86/ Users/batkins/.asdf-install-dir/site/lw-add-ons-0.6.1/specials.xfasl ; Loading fasl file /Users/batkins/.fasls/lispworks-5.0.0-macosx-x86/ Users/batkins/.asdf-install-dir/site/lw-add-ons-0.6.1/misc.xfasl ; Loading fasl file /Users/batkins/.fasls/lispworks-5.0.0-macosx-x86/ Users/batkins/.asdf-install-dir/site/lw-add-ons-0.6.1/ documentation.xfasl ; Loading fasl file /Users/batkins/.fasls/lispworks-5.0.0-macosx-x86/ Users/batkins/.asdf-install-dir/site/lw-add-ons-0.6.1/apropos.xfasl ; Loading fasl file /Users/batkins/.fasls/lispworks-5.0.0-macosx-x86/ Users/batkins/.asdf-install-dir/site/lw-add-ons-0.6.1/completions.xfasl ; Loading fasl file /Users/batkins/.fasls/lispworks-5.0.0-macosx-x86/ Users/batkins/.asdf-install-dir/site/lw-add-ons-0.6.1/systems.xfasl ;; Creating system COMMON-LISP-USER::CL-PPCRE ;; Creating system COMMON-LISP-USER::CL-WHO ;; Creating system COMMON-LISP-USER::LW-DOC ;; Creating system COMMON-LISP-USER::LW-ADD-ONS ; Loading fasl file /Users/batkins/.fasls/lispworks-5.0.0-macosx-x86/ Users/batkins/.asdf-install-dir/site/lw-add-ons-0.6.1/editor.xfasl ; Loading fasl file /Users/batkins/.fasls/lispworks-5.0.0-macosx-x86/ Users/batkins/.asdf-install-dir/site/lw-add-ons-0.6.1/commands.xfasl CL-USER 1 > ; Loading text file /Users/batkins/Code/slime/swank- loader.lisp ; Loading fasl file /Users/batkins/.slime/fasl/2006-09-25/ lispworks-5.0.0-macosx-x86/swank-backend.xfasl ; Loading fasl file /Users/batkins/.slime/fasl/2006-09-25/ lispworks-5.0.0-macosx-x86/nregex.xfasl ; Loading fasl file /Users/batkins/.slime/fasl/2006-09-25/ lispworks-5.0.0-macosx-x86/swank-lispworks.xfasl ; Loading /Applications/LispWorks 5.0/Library/lib/5-0-0-0/load-on- demand/processes/comm-defsys.lisp on demand... ;; Creating system COMM ; Loading text file /Applications/LispWorks 5.0/Library/lib/5-0-0-0/ load-on-demand/processes/comm-pkg.lisp ; Loading fasl file /Applications/LispWorks 5.0/Library/lib/5-0-0-0/ load-on-demand/processes/sockets.xfasl ; Loading fasl file /Applications/LispWorks 5.0/Library/lib/5-0-0-0/ load-on-demand/processes/ssl-constants.xfasl ; Loading fasl file /Applications/LispWorks 5.0/Library/lib/5-0-0-0/ load-on-demand/processes/ssl-foreign-types.xfasl ; Loading fasl file /Applications/LispWorks 5.0/Library/lib/5-0-0-0/ load-on-demand/processes/ssl.xfasl ; Loading fasl file /Applications/LispWorks 5.0/Library/lib/5-0-0-0/ load-on-demand/processes/ssl-certs.xfasl ; Loading fasl file /Applications/LispWorks 5.0/Library/lib/5-0-0-0/ patches/comm/0001/0001.xfasl ; Loaded public patch COMM 1.1 ; Loading fasl file /Applications/LispWorks 5.0/Library/lib/5-0-0-0/ patches/comm/0001/0002.xfasl ; Loaded public patch COMM 1.2 ; Loading fasl file /Applications/LispWorks 5.0/Library/lib/5-0-0-0/ patches/comm/0001/0003.xfasl ; Loaded public patch COMM 1.3 ; Loading fasl file /Applications/LispWorks 5.0/Library/lib/5-0-0-0/ patches/comm/0001/0004.xfasl ; Loaded public patch COMM 1.4 ; Loading fasl file /Users/batkins/.slime/fasl/2006-09-25/ lispworks-5.0.0-macosx-x86/swank-gray.xfasl ; Loading fasl file /Users/batkins/.slime/fasl/2006-09-25/ lispworks-5.0.0-macosx-x86/swank.xfasl Warning: These Swank interfaces are unimplemented: (ACTIVATE-STEPPING ADD-FD-HANDLER ADD-SIGIO-HANDLER DISASSEMBLE-FRAME LIST-CALLEES PROFILE PROFILE-PACKAGE PROFILE-REPORT PROFILE-RESET PROFILED-FUNCTIONS REMOVE-FD-HANDLERS REMOVE-SIGIO-HANDLERS SLDB- BREAK-AT-START SLDB-BREAK-ON-RETURN SLDB-STEP-INTO SLDB-STEP-NEXT SLDB-STEP-OUT UNPROFILE) #P"/Users/batkins/Code/slime/swank-loader.lisp" CL-USER 2 > CL-USER 3 >

Bill Atkins <atkinw@rpi.edu> writes:
I started Emacs without loading my configuration file ("emacs -q"), then loaded SLIME and evaluated (setq inferior-lisp-program "/usr/ local/bin/lispworks -tty") . Then I ran SLIME and watched some output scroll through *inferior-lisp*, only to stop at a CL-USER> prompt. The echo area informs me that SLIME is still polling the connection ("Polling "/tmp/slime.1257".. (Abort with `M-x slime- abort-connection'.)"). Clearing out old FASL's doesn't seem to make a difference. This is an Intel Mac, if that's relevant.
slime cvs or 2.0? i believe, but am not sure, that you're one of the few people to run slime on lispworks 5 (it hasn't been out that long), so it may be lispworks 5 specific. slime hackers: we still get these kinds of problems occasionaly and it's really hard to figure out what's going on (or what isn't going on) from the output in inferior-lisp. is there a reason we don't have some more verbose logging in there? -- -Marco Ring the bells that still can ring. Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in. -Leonard Cohen

On Sep 27, 2006, at 3:03 AM, Marco Baringer wrote:
Bill Atkins <atkinw@rpi.edu> writes:
I started Emacs without loading my configuration file ("emacs -q"), then loaded SLIME and evaluated (setq inferior-lisp-program "/usr/ local/bin/lispworks -tty") . Then I ran SLIME and watched some output scroll through *inferior-lisp*, only to stop at a CL-USER> prompt. The echo area informs me that SLIME is still polling the connection ("Polling "/tmp/slime.1257".. (Abort with `M-x slime- abort-connection'.)"). Clearing out old FASL's doesn't seem to make a difference. This is an Intel Mac, if that's relevant.
slime cvs or 2.0? i believe, but am not sure, that you're one of the few people to run slime on lispworks 5 (it hasn't been out that long), so it may be lispworks 5 specific.
CVS. Peder Klingenberg reports that it happens in 4.x too.

Bill Atkins <atkinw@rpi.edu> writes:
Then I ran SLIME and watched some output scroll through *inferior-lisp*, only to stop at a CL-USER> prompt. The echo area informs me that SLIME is still polling the connection ("Polling "/tmp/slime.1257".. (Abort with `M-x slime- abort-connection'.)").
I'm seeing the same symptoms on a laptop running ubuntu, with LW 4.6 and CVS slime (last checkout was a couple of weeks ago, I think). It's been that way for quite some time for me, many months. I haven't investigated at all (actual work keeps getting in the way), but I've avoided upgrading the slime on my normal workstation for a long time, partly because of this [1]. I have a workaround, though. I don't have my laptop with me today, so this is going by memory, but when slime hangs and displays that message about aborting the connection, I do another 'M-x slime'. When it asks me if I want to open another *inferior-lisp* I decline. That apparently unsticks something in slime, and I get the slime REPL running. The message buffer often says something like "buffer has no process" or something, but everything works just fine. Sorry about the vagueness and handwaving, but maybe my workaround is helpful anyway. ------- [1] I'm continually torn between the two impulses "If it works, don't fix it" and "Ooh, shiny!". My wife thinks I give in to the latter far too often and gets cross with me for breaking our main home system. :) ...Peder... -- I wish a new life awaited _me_ in some off-world colony.

On Sep 27, 2006, at 5:32 AM, Peder O. Klingenberg wrote:
Bill Atkins <atkinw@rpi.edu> writes:
Then I ran SLIME and watched some output scroll through *inferior-lisp*, only to stop at a CL-USER> prompt. The echo area informs me that SLIME is still polling the connection ("Polling "/tmp/slime.1257".. (Abort with `M-x slime- abort-connection'.)").
I'm seeing the same symptoms on a laptop running ubuntu, with LW 4.6 and CVS slime (last checkout was a couple of weeks ago, I think). It's been that way for quite some time for me, many months. I haven't investigated at all (actual work keeps getting in the way), but I've avoided upgrading the slime on my normal workstation for a long time, partly because of this [1].
I have a workaround, though. I don't have my laptop with me today, so this is going by memory, but when slime hangs and displays that message about aborting the connection, I do another 'M-x slime'. When it asks me if I want to open another *inferior-lisp* I decline. That apparently unsticks something in slime, and I get the slime REPL running. The message buffer often says something like "buffer has no process" or something, but everything works just fine.
You're right; running slime again does the trick. Thanks. It would still be nice to find out what causes this. Bill

On Tue, 26 Sep 2006 20:17:54 -0400, Bill Atkins said:
'm having trouble getting SLIME to start with LispWorks 5.0. I'm running the latest CVS of SLIME and I don't have any problems with CLISP or SBCL.
I started Emacs without loading my configuration file ("emacs -q"), then loaded SLIME and evaluated (setq inferior-lisp-program "/usr/ local/bin/lispworks -tty") . Then I ran SLIME and watched some output scroll through *inferior-lisp*, only to stop at a CL-USER> prompt. The echo area informs me that SLIME is still polling the connection ("Polling "/tmp/slime.1257".. (Abort with `M-x slime- abort-connection'.)"). Clearing out old FASL's doesn't seem to make a difference. This is an Intel Mac, if that's relevant.
The problem is that SWANK:START-SERVER now calls SWANK-BACKEND:INITIALIZE-MULTIPROCESSING, which never returns on LispWorks. The attached patch should fix it (though other backends need to be modified before this is committed). -- Martin Simmons LispWorks Ltd http://www.lispworks.com/

On Sep 27, 2006, at 2:32 PM, Martin Simmons wrote:
The problem is that SWANK:START-SERVER now calls SWANK-BACKEND:INITIALIZE-MULTIPROCESSING, which never returns on LispWorks.
The attached patch should fix it (though other backends need to be modified before this is committed).
Thanks, Martin! That does the trick. Bill

Martin Simmons <martin@lispworks.com> writes:
The attached patch should fix it (though other backends need to be modified before this is committed).
i have attempted to fix the ather backends which have a initialize-multiprocessing method (allegro and cmucl). unfortunetly i have neither an allegro nor a cmucl install on hand, would anybody mind testing the attached patch before i commit it? -- -Marco Ring the bells that still can ring. Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in. -Leonard Cohen

Marco Baringer <mb@bese.it> writes:
i have attempted to fix the ather backends which have a initialize-multiprocessing method (allegro and cmucl). unfortunetly i have neither an allegro nor a cmucl install on hand, would anybody mind testing the attached patch before i commit it?
oops. -- -Marco Ring the bells that still can ring. Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in. -Leonard Cohen

Martin Simmons <martin@lispworks.com> writes:
The attached patch should fix it (though other backends need to be modified before this is committed).
applied. thanks! -- -Marco Ring the bells that still can ring. Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in. -Leonard Cohen
participants (4)
Bill Atkins
Marco Baringer
Martin Simmons