[slime-devel] very jerky scrolling while slime-repl buffer is shown

I keep a *slime-repl ccl* buffer visible in a separate frame so I can view the interpreter and my source code at the same time. As for recently, I noticed that scrolling in pretty much any buffer has become extremely sluggish: redisplays occur only rarely, with the result being that the text jumps around a lot rather than being scrolled smoothly line-by-line. When the *slime-repl ccl* buffer is not shown, this problem doesn't occur (and goes away). I use SLIME from CVS, 2009-01-09, in Aquamacs (based on GNU Emacs 22). I start up slime as follows: (require 'slime-autoloads) (slime-setup '(slime-fancy slime-asdf slime-banner)) (setq slime- complete-symbol*-fancy t) (setq slime-complete-symbol-function 'slime- fuzzy-complete-symbol) I tried setting the latter two variables to nil, to no avail. I tried `cancel-function-timers' on various SLIME specific functions in timer-idle-list, but they keep coming back. I also tried (setq post-command-hook '(ignore)) in the REPL buffer (and the buffer that I am scrolling) - it doesn't help much. I have turned off eldoc-mode in the REPL buffer, which didn't help much either. I'm running this on an up-to-date machine. If you can't reproduce, let me know what else I should check. Thanks - David

* David Reitter [2009-01-11 04:49+0100] writes:
If you can't reproduce, let me know what else I should check.
SLIME does some font-locking; you could try to set slime-highlight-suppressed-forms to nil before loading SLIME. You could also byte-compile almost everything, to avoid consing during macro expansion. I usually leave scroll-conservatively to 0, so I can't say what would qualify a smooth scrolling. If I set scroll-conservatively to 1 and SLIME isn't loaded at all, scrolling is also not entirely smooth and stops for bit after 3 pages or so. If SLIME is loaded it stops more frequently ca. after 1 page. Displaying the REPL buffer or not doesn't seem to make a difference here. Helmut.
participants (2)
David Reitter
Helmut Eller