[slime-devel] ACL80 and SLIME 2.0

I have recently upgraded the machines I use to run acl80, and I've been having the strangest problem using acl80 with slime 2.0. Hopefully you've seen this and have a good workaround. The old machines were a PPC/Mac Desktop and an Intel/Mac laptop both running Tiger (10.4.11). Both machines run acl80 and slime with no problems. The new machines are an Intel/Mac Pro Desktop and an Intel/Mac laptop both running Leopard (10.5.2). The Desktop runs acl80 under Slime fine. The laptop is the one having the problem. The only difference that I can see between these two machines (other than RAM (16g vs. 4g) or processors (8 vs. 2)) is that the Desktop shipped with the 9.2.0 kernel and the laptop shipped with the 9.2.1 kernel. I believe that this is the case because the Desktop shipped with 10.5.1 and had to be upgraded to 10.5.2, whereas the laptop came with 10.5.2 already installed. Both have been fully upgraded to 10.5.2 OS-X, but I have noticed at least one x windows lib with a changed name on the laptop version, so I know that upgrading to 10.5.2 doesn't produce IDENTICAL copies of the os. As I said, the Desktop runs slime fine. The laptop runs slime fine in an emacs -nw environment. If I run emacs like I normally do in its own X window, however, starting slime produces the following output: (load "/Users/zalondek/emacs/19/slime-2.0/swank-loader.lisp" :verbose t) (swank:start-server "/var/folders/JK/JKqRcfmVFMuXuUm9NcuFPE+++TE/- Tmp-/slime.1253" :external-format :iso-latin-1-unix) International Allegro CL Professional Edition 8.0 [Mac OS X (Intel)] (Mar 20, 2008 19:22) Copyright (C) 1985-2005, Franz Inc., Oakland, CA, USA. All Rights Reserved. This development copy of Allegro CL is licensed to: * License Data Removed * ;; Optimization settings: safety 1, space 1, speed 1, debug 2. ;; For a complete description of all compiler switches given the ;; current optimization settings evaluate (EXPLAIN-COMPILER-SETTINGS). CL-USER(1): ; Loading /Users/zalondek/emacs/19/slime-2.0/swank- loader.lisp ; Fast loading ; /Users/zalondek/.slime/fasl/2006-04-20/allegro-a8.0-macosx- x86/swank-backend.fasl ; Fast loading ; /Users/zalondek/.slime/fasl/2006-04-20/allegro-a8.0-macosx- x86/nregex.fasl ; Fast loading ; /Users/zalondek/.slime/fasl/2006-04-20/allegro-a8.0-macosx- x86/swank-allegro.fasl Warning: (METHOD PREFERRED-COMMUNICATION-STYLE NIL), :OPERATOR was defined in /Users/zalondek/emacs/19/slime-2.0/swank-backend.lisp and is now being defined in /Users/zalondek/emacs/19/slime-2.0/swank-allegro.lisp Warning: (METHOD FORMAT-SLDB-CONDITION (T)), :OPERATOR was defined in /Users/zalondek/emacs/19/slime-2.0/swank-backend.lisp and is now being defined in /Users/zalondek/emacs/19/slime-2.0/swank-allegro.lisp Warning: (METHOD CONDITION-REFERENCES (T)), :OPERATOR was defined in /Users/zalondek/emacs/19/slime-2.0/swank-backend.lisp and is now being defined in /Users/zalondek/emacs/19/slime-2.0/swank-allegro.lisp Warning: (METHOD CALL-WITH-SYNTAX-HOOKS (T)), :OPERATOR was defined in /Users/zalondek/emacs/19/slime-2.0/swank-backend.lisp and is now being defined in /Users/zalondek/emacs/19/slime-2.0/swank-allegro.lisp Warning: (METHOD CALL-WITHOUT-INTERRUPTS (T)), :OPERATOR was defined in /Users/zalondek/emacs/19/slime-2.0/swank-backend.lisp and is now being defined in /Users/zalondek/emacs/19/slime-2.0/swank-allegro.lisp Warning: (METHOD LISP-IMPLEMENTATION-TYPE-NAME NIL), :OPERATOR was defined in /Users/zalondek/emacs/19/slime-2.0/swank-backend.lisp and is now being defined in /Users/zalondek/emacs/19/slime-2.0/swank-allegro.lisp Warning: (METHOD SET-DEFAULT-DIRECTORY (T)), :OPERATOR was defined in /Users/zalondek/emacs/19/slime-2.0/swank-backend.lisp and is now being defined in /Users/zalondek/emacs/19/slime-2.0/swank-allegro.lisp Warning: (METHOD DEFAULT-DIRECTORY NIL), :OPERATOR was defined in /Users/zalondek/emacs/19/slime-2.0/swank-backend.lisp and is now being defined in /Users/zalondek/emacs/19/slime-2.0/swank-allegro.lisp Warning: (METHOD ARGLIST (T)), :OPERATOR was defined in /Users/zalondek/emacs/19/slime-2.0/swank-backend.lisp and is now being defined in /Users/zalondek/emacs/19/slime-2.0/swank-allegro.lisp Warning: (METHOD MAKE-STREAM-INTERACTIVE (T)), :OPERATOR was defined in /Users/zalondek/emacs/19/slime-2.0/swank-backend.lisp and is now being defined in /Users/zalondek/emacs/19/slime-2.0/swank-allegro.lisp Warning: (METHOD INITIALIZE-MULTIPROCESSING NIL), :OPERATOR was defined in /Users/zalondek/emacs/19/slime-2.0/swank-backend.lisp and is now being defined in /Users/zalondek/emacs/19/slime-2.0/swank-allegro.lisp Warning: (METHOD THREAD-NAME (T)), :OPERATOR was defined in /Users/zalondek/emacs/19/slime-2.0/swank-backend.lisp and is now being defined in /Users/zalondek/emacs/19/slime-2.0/swank-allegro.lisp Warning: (METHOD THREAD-STATUS (T)), :OPERATOR was defined in /Users/zalondek/emacs/19/slime-2.0/swank-backend.lisp and is now being defined in /Users/zalondek/emacs/19/slime-2.0/swank-allegro.lisp Warning: (METHOD MAKE-LOCK NIL), :OPERATOR was defined in /Users/zalondek/emacs/19/slime-2.0/swank-backend.lisp and is now being defined in /Users/zalondek/emacs/19/slime-2.0/swank-allegro.lisp Warning: (METHOD CALL-WITH-LOCK-HELD (T T)), :OPERATOR was defined in /Users/zalondek/emacs/19/slime-2.0/swank-backend.lisp and is now being defined in /Users/zalondek/emacs/19/slime-2.0/swank-allegro.lisp Warning: (METHOD CURRENT-THREAD NIL), :OPERATOR was defined in /Users/zalondek/emacs/19/slime-2.0/swank-backend.lisp and is now being defined in /Users/zalondek/emacs/19/slime-2.0/swank-allegro.lisp Warning: (METHOD KILL-THREAD (T)), :OPERATOR was defined in /Users/zalondek/emacs/19/slime-2.0/swank-backend.lisp and is now being defined in /Users/zalondek/emacs/19/slime-2.0/swank-allegro.lisp ; Fast loading ; /Users/zalondek/.slime/fasl/2006-04-20/allegro-a8.0-macosx- x86/swank-gray.fasl ; Autoloading for class FUNDAMENTAL-CHARACTER-OUTPUT-STREAM: ; Fast loading /usr/local/acl80/code/streamc.001 ;;; Installing foreign patch, version 1 ; Fast loading from bundle code/efft-utf8-base.fasl. ; Fast loading from bundle code/efft-void.fasl. ; Fast loading from bundle code/efft-latin1-base.fasl. ; Fast loading ; /Users/zalondek/.slime/fasl/2006-04-20/allegro-a8.0-macosx- x86/swank.fasl Warning: (METHOD INSPECT-FOR-EMACS #'T), :OPERATOR was defined in /Users/zalondek/emacs/19/slime-2.0/swank-allegro.lisp and is now being defined in /Users/zalondek/emacs/19/slime-2.0/swank.lisp Warning: These Swank interfaces are unimplemented: (ACTIVATE-STEPPING ADD-FD-HANDLER ADD-SIGIO-HANDLER INSPECT-FOR-EMACS PROFILE PROFILE-PACKAGE PROFILE-RESET PROFILED-FUNCTIONS REMOVE-FD-HANDLERS REMOVE-SIGIO-HANDLERS SLDB-BREAK-AT-START SLDB-BREAK-ON-RETURN UNPROFILE WHO-SPECIALIZES) T [Current process: Initial Lisp Listener] CL-USER(2): ;; Swank started at port: 49466. NIL [Current process: Initial Lisp Listener] CL-USER(3): [Current process: Initial Lisp Listener] CL-USER(3): ; Autoloading for class ECHO-STREAM: ; Fast loading from bundle code/streama.fasl. ;; Event history start: ; Fast loading from bundle code/acldns.fasl. ;;; Installing acldns patch, version 1 ;; Event history end. ;; Connection to Emacs lost. [ ;; condition: eof encountered on stream #<MULTIVALENT stream socket closed, but was connected from localhost/49466 to localhost/49467 @ #x10681302> ;; type: SWANK::SLIME-PROTOCOL-ERROR ;; encoding: :ISO-LATIN-1-UNIX style: :SPAWN dedicated: NIL] Have you ever seen this before? I recall that this happened to me just once when running on my laptop under Tiger, but only once out of hundreds of times. Any suggestions? -Kev
participants (1)
Kevin Zalondek