[slime-devel] STYLE-WARNING/NOTE distinction

Hi, SBCL pays careful attention to the distinction between a STYLE-WARNING (a condition strong enough to warrant returning from COMPILE-FILE with WARNINGSP set) and a compiler note (generally an optimization note, but sometimes a code deletion note or something similar), which aren't counted as warnings. Attached is a patch to implement this. I know cmucl doesn't have this distinction; I'm unsure as to whether OpenMCL does, so I've just implemented it for SBCL; the behaviour of other lisps should be unchanged. Cheers, Christophe -- http://www-jcsu.jesus.cam.ac.uk/~csr21/ +44 1223 510 299/+44 7729 383 757 (set-pprint-dispatch 'number (lambda (s o) (declare (special b)) (format s b))) (defvar b "~&Just another Lisp hacker~%") (pprint #36rJesusCollegeCambridge)
participants (1)
Christophe Rhodes