[slime-devel] sb-aclrepl and slime

Greetings, I'm trying to get slime to work with sb-aclrepl from sbcl's contrib directory, but without any luck. Sb-aclrepl works fine if I just run sbcl, but once I run it under slime as well it stops responding. Is there a way to get slime and aclrepl to work together? Regards martin

Martin Elster <martin@1103.org> writes:
I'm trying to get slime to work with sb-aclrepl from sbcl's contrib directory, but without any luck. Sb-aclrepl works fine if I just run sbcl, but once I run it under slime as well it stops responding.
Is there a way to get slime and aclrepl to work together?
i'm pretty sure sb-aclrepl's attempts to read/write from the console don't play well with slime's io model, however what does aclrepl have that slime is missing? -- -Marco Ring the bells that still can ring. Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in. -Leonard Cohen

On Tue, 2004-05-18 at 10:07, Marco Baringer wrote:
Martin Elster <martin@1103.org> writes:
Is there a way to get slime and aclrepl to work together?
i'm pretty sure sb-aclrepl's attempts to read/write from the console don't play well with slime's io model, however what does aclrepl have that slime is missing?
I haven't looked hard, but I couldn't find equivalents for :processes (list all processes), :signal (send a signal to process), :sh (run shell command), and :kill. I also use the :cd <dir>, :pwd, :ld, and :cl commands all the time in Allegro and sbcl, and they have almost become second nature. martin

Martin Elster <martin@1103.org> writes:
I haven't looked hard, but I couldn't find equivalents for :processes (list all processes), :signal (send a signal to process), :sh (run shell command), and :kill.
see slime-list-threads. it doesn't allow you to send arbitrary signals to a thread, but you can kill it attach a repl to a thread or open a debugger in a thread. what should :sh return? of course, i'd just tell you to use eshell, but i'm not that much of an emacs fascist yet.
I also use the :cd <dir>, :pwd, :ld, and :cl commands all the time in Allegro and sbcl, and they have almost become second nature.
there are slime shortcuts for all of those, except :pwd, but for that you can just do M-x pwd anyway. speaking of which, there are two things i'd like to make customizable: 1) that damn animation when slime loads up and 2) the pwd in the repl header bar (or whatever that line is called). any problems with this? what should the customizable vars for controlling this be called? -- -Marco Ring the bells that still can ring. Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in. -Leonard Cohen

On Tue, 2004-05-18 at 11:16, Marco Baringer wrote:
Martin Elster <martin@1103.org> writes:
I haven't looked hard, but I couldn't find equivalents for :processes (list all processes), :signal (send a signal to process), :sh (run shell command), and :kill.
see slime-list-threads. it doesn't allow you to send arbitrary signals to a thread, but you can kill it attach a repl to a thread or open a debugger in a thread.
what should :sh return?
I don't know. As long as they print to *standard-output* what would have gone to stdout, I'm happy. It could either return 0 or 1 according to the result of running the command, as ACL does, or just NIL, as aclrepl does.
of course, i'd just tell you to use eshell, but i'm not that much of an emacs fascist yet.
I also use the :cd <dir>, :pwd, :ld, and :cl commands all the time in Allegro and sbcl, and they have almost become second nature.
there are slime shortcuts for all of those, except :pwd, but for that you can just do M-x pwd anyway.
I'm probably missing something obvious, but how do you change directory using shortcuts? When I type , (comma) and help, this is what I get: =============== force-compile-system Recompile (but not load) an ASDF system. force-load-system Recompile and load an ASDF system. help (aka ?) Display the help. load-system Compile (as needed) and load an ASDF system. pop-directory (aka -d) Pop the current directory. pop-package (aka -p) Pop the top of the package stack. push-directory (aka +d, pushd) Push a new directory onto the directory stack. push-package (aka +p) Push a package onto the package stack. resend-form Resend the last form. sayoonara Quit the lisp and close all SLIME buffers. =============== Should there be more shortcuts? BTW, I can't seem to get the load-system shortcut to work either. I type ,load-system and then I get the following error message: cannot supply a type without a name: #<PATHNAME (with no namestring) :HOST #<SB-IMPL::UNIX-HOST {5012CE9}> :DEVICE NIL :DIRECTORY (:ABSOLUTE "home" "melster" ".sbcl" "systems") :NAME NIL :TYPE "asd" :VERSION :NEWEST> [Condition of type SIMPLE-ERROR] Restarts: 0: [ABORT] Abort handling SLIME request. 1: [ABORT] Reduce debugger level (leaving debugger, returning to toplevel). 2: [TOPLEVEL] Restart at toplevel READ/EVAL/PRINT loop. Backtrace: 0: (SB-IMPL::%ENUMERATE-MATCHES 4 #<PATHNAME (with no namestring) :HOST #<SB-IMPL::UNIX-HOST {5012CE9}> :DEVICE NIL :DIRECTORY (:ABSOLUTE "home" "melster" ".sbcl" "systems") :NAME NIL :TYPE "asd" :VERSION :NEWEST> T T #<FUNCTION "CLOSURE" {9827FB5}>)[:EXTERNAL] 1: ("LABELS SB!IMPL::DO-DIRECTORY" #<PATHNAME (with no namestring) :HOST #<SB-IMPL::UNIX-HOST {5012CE9}> :DEVICE NIL :DIRECTORY (:ABSOLUTE "home" "melster" ".sbcl" "systems") :NAME NIL :TYPE "asd" :VERSION :NEWEST>) 2: (DIRECTORY 1 #<PATHNAME (with no namestring) :HOST #<SB-IMPL::UNIX-HOST {5012CE9}> :DEVICE NIL :DIRECTORY (:ABSOLUTE "home" "melster" ".sbcl" "systems") :NAME NIL :TYPE "asd" :VERSION :NEWEST>)[:EXTERNAL] 3: (SWANK:LIST-ALL-SYSTEMS-IN-CENTRAL-REGISTRY) 4: (SB-INT:EVAL-IN-LEXENV 2 (SWANK:LIST-ALL-SYSTEMS-IN-CENTRAL-REGISTRY) #S(SB-KERNEL:LEXENV :FUNS NIL :VARS NIL :BLOCKS NIL :TAGS NIL :TYPE-RESTRICTIONS NIL :LAMBDA NIL :CLEANUP NIL :POLICY ((SPEED . 1) (SPACE . 1) (SAFETY . 1) (INHIBIT-WARNINGS . 1) (DEBUG . 1) (COMPILATION-SPEED . 1))))[:EXTERNAL] 5: (SWANK::EVAL-FOR-EMACS (SWANK:LIST-ALL-SYSTEMS-IN-CENTRAL-REGISTRY) NIL 5) 6: (SWANK::READ-FROM-EMACS) 7: ("#'(LAMBDA NIL (LET # #))") 8: (SWANK::CALL-WITH-REDIRECTED-IO #S(SWANK::CONNECTION :SOCKET-IO #<FILE-STREAM for #1="a constant string" {9E06F09}> :DEDICATED-OUTPUT #2=#<FILE-STREAM for #1# {9E139C1}> :USER-INPUT #3=#<SWANK-BACKEND::SLIME-INPUT-STREAM {944E291}> :USER-OUTPUT #2# :USER-IO #<TWO-WAY-STREAM :INPUT-STREAM #3# :OUTPUT-STREAM #2#> :CONTROL-THREAD NIL :READER-THREAD NIL :REPL-THREAD NIL :READ #<FUNCTION SWANK::READ-FROM-SOCKET-IO> :SEND #<FUNCTION SWANK::SEND-TO-SOCKET-IO> :SERVE-REQUESTS #<FUNCTION SWANK::INSTALL-SIGIO-HANDLER> :CLEANUP #<FUNCTION SWANK::DEINSTALL-SIGIO-HANDLER> :INDENTATION-CACHE #<HASH-TABLE :TEST EQ :COUNT 167 {9E0C889}> :INDENTATION-CACHE-PACKAGES (#<PACKAGE "SWANK-COMPLETION-TEST"> #<PACKAGE "SWANK-IO-PACKAGE"> #<PACKAGE "SWANK"> #<PACKAGE "SB-POSIX-INTERNAL"> #<PACKAGE "SB-POSIX"> #<PACKAGE "SB-POSIX-SYSTEM"> #<PACKAGE "ASDF2994"> #<PACKAGE "SB-INTROSPECT"> #<PACKAGE "SB-BSD-SOCKETS"> #<PACKAGE "SB-BSD-SOCKETS-INTERNAL"> #<PACKAGE "SB-BSD-SOCKETS-SYSTEM"> #<PACKAGE "SB-GROVEL"> #<PACKAGE "SB-GROVEL-SYSTEM"> #<PACKAGE "ASDF2853"> #<PACKAGE "ASDF2852"> #<PACKAGE "NREGEX"> #<PACKAGE "SWANK-BACKEND"> #<PACKAGE "SWANK-LOADER"> #<PACKAGE "SB-ACLREPL"> #<PACKAGE "SB-ACLREPL-SYSTEM"> #<PACKAGE "ASDF2729"> #<PACKAGE "ASDF"> #<PACKAGE "COMMON-LISP-USER"> #<PACKAGE "SB-LOOP"> #<PACKAGE "SB-IMPL"> #<PACKAGE "KEYWORD"> #<PACKAGE "SB-WALKER"> #<PACKAGE "SB-PROFILE"> #<PACKAGE "SB-PRETTY"> #<PACKAGE "SB-MOP"> #<PACKAGE "SB-INT"> #<PACKAGE "SB-GRAY"> #<PACKAGE "SB-FORMAT"> #<PACKAGE "SB-FASL"> #<PACKAGE "SB-DISASSEM"> #<PACKAGE "SB-DEBUG"> #<PACKAGE "SB-C"> #<PACKAGE "SB-BIGNUM"> #<PACKAGE "SB-ASSEM"> #<PACKAGE "SB-ALIEN-INTERNALS"> #<PACKAGE "SB-SYS"> #<PACKAGE "SB-ALIEN"> #<PACKAGE "SB-PCL"> #<PACKAGE "SB-UNIX"> #<PACKAGE "SB-VM"> #<PACKAGE "SB-THREAD"> #<PACKAGE "SB-DI"> #<PACKAGE "SB-KERNEL"> #<PACKAGE "SB-EXT"> #<PACKAGE "COMMON-LISP">)) #<FUNCTION "#'(LAMBDA NIL (LET # #))" {908C84D}>) 9: (SWANK::HANDLE-REQUEST #S(SWANK::CONNECTION :SOCKET-IO #<FILE-STREAM for #1="a constant string" {9E06F09}> :DEDICATED-OUTPUT #2=#<FILE-STREAM for #1# {9E139C1}> :USER-INPUT #3=#<SWANK-BACKEND::SLIME-INPUT-STREAM {944E291}> :USER-OUTPUT #2# :USER-IO #<TWO-WAY-STREAM :INPUT-STREAM #3# :OUTPUT-STREAM #2#> :CONTROL-THREAD NIL :READER-THREAD NIL :REPL-THREAD NIL :READ #<FUNCTION SWANK::READ-FROM-SOCKET-IO> :SEND #<FUNCTION SWANK::SEND-TO-SOCKET-IO> :SERVE-REQUESTS #<FUNCTION SWANK::INSTALL-SIGIO-HANDLER> :CLEANUP #<FUNCTION SWANK::DEINSTALL-SIGIO-HANDLER> :INDENTATION-CACHE #<HASH-TABLE :TEST EQ :COUNT 167 {9E0C889}> :INDENTATION-CACHE-PACKAGES (#<PACKAGE "SWANK-COMPLETION-TEST"> #<PACKAGE "SWANK-IO-PACKAGE"> #<PACKAGE "SWANK"> #<PACKAGE "SB-POSIX-INTERNAL"> #<PACKAGE "SB-POSIX"> #<PACKAGE "SB-POSIX-SYSTEM"> #<PACKAGE "ASDF2994"> #<PACKAGE "SB-INTROSPECT"> #<PACKAGE "SB-BSD-SOCKETS"> #<PACKAGE "SB-BSD-SOCKETS-INTERNAL"> #<PACKAGE "SB-BSD-SOCKETS-SYSTEM"> #<PACKAGE "SB-GROVEL"> #<PACKAGE "SB-GROVEL-SYSTEM"> #<PACKAGE "ASDF2853"> #<PACKAGE "ASDF2852"> #<PACKAGE "NREGEX"> #<PACKAGE "SWANK-BACKEND"> #<PACKAGE "SWANK-LOADER"> #<PACKAGE "SB-ACLREPL"> #<PACKAGE "SB-ACLREPL-SYSTEM"> #<PACKAGE "ASDF2729"> #<PACKAGE "ASDF"> #<PACKAGE "COMMON-LISP-USER"> #<PACKAGE "SB-LOOP"> #<PACKAGE "SB-IMPL"> #<PACKAGE "KEYWORD"> #<PACKAGE "SB-WALKER"> #<PACKAGE "SB-PROFILE"> #<PACKAGE "SB-PRETTY"> #<PACKAGE "SB-MOP"> #<PACKAGE "SB-INT"> #<PACKAGE "SB-GRAY"> #<PACKAGE "SB-FORMAT"> #<PACKAGE "SB-FASL"> #<PACKAGE "SB-DISASSEM"> #<PACKAGE "SB-DEBUG"> #<PACKAGE "SB-C"> #<PACKAGE "SB-BIGNUM"> #<PACKAGE "SB-ASSEM"> #<PACKAGE "SB-ALIEN-INTERNALS"> #<PACKAGE "SB-SYS"> #<PACKAGE "SB-ALIEN"> #<PACKAGE "SB-PCL"> #<PACKAGE "SB-UNIX"> #<PACKAGE "SB-VM"> #<PACKAGE "SB-THREAD"> #<PACKAGE "SB-DI"> #<PACKAGE "SB-KERNEL"> #<PACKAGE "SB-EXT"> #<PACKAGE "COMMON-LISP">))) 10: ("#'(LAMBDA NIL (SWANK::HANDLE-REQUEST SWANK::CONNECTION))") 11: (SWANK::PROCESS-AVAILABLE-INPUT #<FILE-STREAM for "a constant string" {9E06F09}> #<FUNCTION "CLOSURE" {982747D}>) 12: ("FLET SWANK::HANDLER") 13: (SWANK-BACKEND::SIGIO-HANDLER #<unused argument> #<unused argument> #<unused argument>) 14: ("#'(LAMBDA (SIGNAL SWANK-BACKEND::CODE SWANK-BACKEND::SCP) (SWANK-BACKEND::SIGIO-HANDLER SIGNAL SWANK-BACKEND::CODE ...))" 29 #.(SB-SYS:INT-SAP #X402504D8) #.(SB-SYS:INT-SAP #X40250558)) 15: ("foreign function call land: ra=#x8055BC1") 16: ("foreign function call land: ra=#x8055A9A") 17: ("foreign function call land: ra=#x8050A17") 18: ("foreign function call land: ra=#x80521E7") 19: ("foreign function call land: ra=#x420277B0") 20: ("hairy arg processor for top level local call SB!SYS:WAIT-UNTIL-FD-USABLE" 0 :INPUT NIL) 21: (SB-IMPL::FROB-INPUT 1 #<FILE-STREAM for "standard input" {9003259}>)[:EXTERNAL] 22: (SB-IMPL::INPUT-CHARACTER 3 #<FILE-STREAM for "standard input" {9003259}> NIL :EOF)[:EXTERNAL] 23: ("hairy arg processor for top level local call READ-CHAR" #<FILE-STREAM for "standard input" {9003259}> NIL :EOF #<unused argument>) 24: ("hairy arg processor for top level local call PEEK-CHAR" NIL #<SYNONYM-STREAM :SYMBOL SB-SYS:*STDIN* {5028D49}> NIL :EOF #<unused argument>) 25: ("hairy arg processor for SB-ACLREPL::PEEK-CHAR-NON-WHITESPACE" #<SYNONYM-STREAM :SYMBOL SB-SYS:*STDIN* {5028D49}>) 26: (SB-ACLREPL::READ-CMD #<SYNONYM-STREAM :SYMBOL SB-SYS:*STDIN* {5028D49}>) 27: (SB-ACLREPL::REPL-READ-FORM-FUN #<SYNONYM-STREAM :SYMBOL SB-SYS:*STDIN* {5028D49}> #<SYNONYM-STREAM :SYMBOL SB-SYS:*STDOUT* {500F721}>) 28: (SB-ACLREPL::REP-ONE) 29: ("varargs entry for SB-ACLREPL::REPL" :BREAK-LEVEL 0 :NOPRINT NIL :INSPECT NIL :CONTINUABLE NIL) 30: ("#'(LAMBDA (SB-ACLREPL::NOPRINT) (LET # #))" NIL) 31: ("#'(LAMBDA NIL (LOOP # #))") 32: ("XEP for #'(LAMBDA NIL (LOOP # #))" 0)[:EXTERNAL] 33: (SB-IMPL::%WITH-REBOUND-IO-SYNTAX 1 #<FUNCTION "CLOSURE" {92A8205}>)[:EXTERNAL] 34: (SB-IMPL::TOPLEVEL-REPL 1 NIL)[:EXTERNAL] 35: (SB-IMPL::TOPLEVEL-INIT 0)[:EXTERNAL] 36: ("FLET SB!IMPL::RESTART-LISP") This is on sbcl 0.8.10 with the latest FAIRLY-STABLE slime. Any tips? martin

G'day Martin,
I'm probably missing something obvious, but how do you change directory using shortcuts?
Use the `push-directory' (alias pushd) shortcut.
Should there be more shortcuts?
Yes indeed. The mechanism is fairly new, I don't think we need one for shell commands since we already have `M-!' in Emacs for that.
BTW, I can't seem to get the load-system shortcut to work either.
I type ,load-system and then I get the following error message:
cannot supply a type without a name: #<PATHNAME
This should be fixed in CVS HEAD. I suggest upgrading, these days HEAD itself is fairly stable. We send cautionary mails to the list if we're going to majorly break something, but we haven't had to for ages. Cheers, Luke

On Tue, 2004-05-18 at 13:42, Luke Gorrie wrote:
G'day Martin,
I'm probably missing something obvious, but how do you change directory using shortcuts?
Use the `push-directory' (alias pushd) shortcut.
Thanks. After updating to the latest CVS head I also got a new ,cd shortcut.
I type ,load-system and then I get the following error message:
cannot supply a type without a name: #<PATHNAME
This should be fixed in CVS HEAD.
Indeed, I've upgraded and it works fine. BTW, thanks to all the slime hackers! What I've seen so far of slime is really cool. martin
participants (3)
Luke Gorrie
Marco Baringer
Martin Elster