[slime-devel] second slime does not use lisp process arguments

Hi I am using slime from cvs (I think downloaded around July 5th) In my .emacs i put (setq slime-default-lisp 'sbcl) (setq slime-lisp-implementations '( (sbcl ("sbcl" "--userinit" "/home/antony/fooo.lisp") :coding-system utf-8-unix ) (ccl ("/home/antony/bin/ccl")) )) I run M-x slime and it starts sbcl correctly If I change (setq slime-default-lisp 'sbcl) to (setq slime-default-lisp 'ccl) Now ccl runs correctly , but when I do C-u M-x slime sbcl it runs sbcl but does not seem to use the parameters "sbcl" "--userinit" "/home/antony/fooo.lisp The same thing thing happens vice versa for ccl (which I don't understand at all since it has no parameters, I have it hard coded in my shell script home/antony/bin/ccl) Summary of the problem as I see it - I can't have a second slime that uses program arguments I can include more of my .emacs if this is not sufficient. Thanks, -Antony

* Antony Sequeira [2008-07-24 17:36+0200] writes:
Now ccl runs correctly , but when I do C-u M-x slime sbcl it runs sbcl but does not seem to use the parameters "sbcl" "--userinit" "/home/antony/fooo.lisp
This is the expected behavior: C-u M-x slime FOO runs FOO directly M-- M-x slime BAR runs the entry for BAR in slime-lisp-implementations The former variant splits the string FOO to derive the arguments for the subprocess. If FOO is just "sbcl", sbcl will be invoked without arguments. The second variant passes the arguments as described in slime-lisp-implementations. Helmut.
participants (2)
Antony Sequeira
Helmut Eller