[slime-devel] abcl as an inferior lisp program

hi all i am new to this mailing list as well as to slime. upto now i managed to successfully setup and use slime with clisp and sbcl implementations. recently i started to work with abcl, which i already got to work on windows via cygwin + emacs + slime. i am however failing to do so in linux. i build abcl from source using ant and end up having an executable wrapper "abcl" file, kind of shell script which starts java and loads the respective abcl jar file and main class. so when i type "abcl" in linux shell, the abcl REPL opens up (running on JVM). i tried to set up .emacs config file in order to load abcl as an inferior lisp program analogically to what i did on windows using the "abcl.bat" file. i am getting the following error when starting slime in emacs: "let: SIGPIPE raised on process inferior-lisp; closed it" my .emacs file looks like this: (setq inferior-lisp-program "/Documents/abcl-src-0.25.0/abcl") ; your Lisp system (add-to-list 'load-path "~/Documents/slime") ; your SLIME directory (require 'slime) (slime-setup) i am suspecting the problem being abcl a shell script... any help would be greatly appreciated. thank you simplynitaai

* Matus Kmit [2011-05-21 22:36] writes:
i tried to set up .emacs config file in order to load abcl as an inferior lisp program analogically to what i did on windows using the "abcl.bat" file. i am getting the following error when starting slime in emacs:
"let: SIGPIPE raised on process inferior-lisp; closed it"
my .emacs file looks like this:
(setq inferior-lisp-program "/Documents/abcl-src-0.25.0/abcl") ; your Lisp system (add-to-list 'load-path "~/Documents/slime") ; your SLIME directory (require 'slime) (slime-setup)
i am suspecting the problem being abcl a shell script...
The shell script works without problems for me.
any help would be greatly appreciated.
It's hard to say what the problem is without more information. Is there any output in the *inferior-lisp* buffer? Does the error every time or only sporadically? What emacs/jvm/linux version are you using? Helmut
participants (2)
Helmut Eller
Matus Kmit