Re: [slime-devel] Re: Using M-. for specialized methods

Helmut Eller <> writes: writes:
Attached is a patch for ACL to fix this problem.
Thanks for the patch. I modified it a bit to work in Allegro 5.0. I hope it works in 6.x too.
Unfortunately, it does not work in 6.x - it just positions to the top of the file that the method is in. - Bill writes:
Unfortunately, it does not work in 6.x - it just positions to the top of the file that the method is in.
May I ask what the attached snippet returns for you? I tried it with Franz' telnet prompt at (a 6.2) and it seems ok. ACL5 returns: ((BAR #((:FILE "/tmp/foo.lisp") (:POSITION 22))) ((METHOD FOO ((EQL :A))) #((:FILE "/tmp/foo.lisp") (:POSITION 38))) ((METHOD FOO ((EQL :B))) #((:FILE "/tmp/foo.lisp") (:POSITION 71))) (FOO #((:FILE "/tmp/foo.lisp") (:FUNCTION-NAME "FOO")))) (progn (defun find-fspec-location (fspec type) (let* ((fspec (if (consp fspec) (excl::to-internal-fspec fspec) fspec)) (info (car (excl::fspec-fspec-info fspec))) (file (excl::fspec-info-pathname info))) (etypecase file (pathname (let ((start (scm:find-definition-in-file fspec type file))) (vector (list :file (namestring (truename file))) (if start (list :position (1+ start)) (list :function-name (string (third info))))))) ((member :top-level) (list :error (format nil "Defined at toplevel: ~A" fspec))) (null (list :error (format nil "Unkown source location for ~A" fspec)))))) (defun fspec-definition-locations (fspec) (let ((defs (excl::find-multiple-definitions fspec))) (loop for (fspec type) in defs collect (list fspec (find-fspec-location fspec type))))) (defun find-definitions (symbol) (fspec-definition-locations symbol)) (defparameter prog (format nil "~{~s~%~}" '((defgeneric foo (x)) (defun bar (x)) (defmethod foo ((x (eql :a))) x) (defmethod foo ((x (eql :b))) (cons x xx))))) (with-open-file (s "/tmp/foo.lisp" :if-does-not-exist :create :direction :output :if-exists :overwrite) (write-string prog s)) (compile-file "/tmp/foo.lisp" :load-after-compile t) (append (find-definitions 'bar) (find-definitions 'foo)))
participants (2)
Helmut Eller