[slime-devel] Keyword argument 5836 not one of (:pid

Hi all, I have trouble connecting to a machine running CMUCL from a Windows box, although I connect to CMUCL from a Linux box. I have CLISP 2.38 and Slime 2.0 and tried with different versions of Emacs, but without success. I verified that there is no problem conecting to a local SWANK server from Windows. The keyword argument the error is about is the Lisp process's pid on the remote machine. I would be grateful for your help. Here is the stack trace from the Emacs debugger: Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "Keyword argument 5836 not one of (:pid :style :lisp-implementation :machine :features :package)") signal(error ("Keyword argument 5836 not one of (:pid :style :lisp-implementation :machine :features :package)")) error("Keyword argument %s not one of (:pid :style :lisp-implementation :machine :features :package)" 5836) (cond ((memq ... ...) (setq --keys--50817 ...)) ((car ...) (setq --keys--50817 nil)) (t (error "Keyword argument %s not one of (:pid :style :lisp-implementation :machine :features :package)" ...))) (while --keys--50817 (cond (... ...) (... ...) (t ...))) (let ((--keys--50817 --rest--50816)) (while --keys--50817 (cond ... ... ...))) (let* ((--rest--50816 info) (pid ...) (style ...) (lisp-implementation ...) (machine ...) (features ...) (package ...)) (let (...) (while --keys--50817 ...)) (setf (slime-pid) pid (slime-communication-style) style (slime-lisp-features) features) (destructuring-bind (&key name prompt) package (setf ... name ... prompt)) (destructuring-bind (&key type name version) lisp-implementation (setf ... type ... version ... name ... ...)) (destructuring-bind (&key instance type version) machine (setf ... instance))) (progn (let* (... ... ... ... ... ... ...) (let ... ...) (setf ... pid ... style ... features) (destructuring-bind ... package ...) (destructuring-bind ... lisp-implementation ...) (destructuring-bind ... machine ...))) (destructuring-bind (&key pid style lisp-implementation machine features package) info (setf (slime-pid) pid (slime-communication-style) style (slime-lisp-features) features) (destructuring-bind (&key name prompt) package (setf ... name ... prompt)) (destructuring-bind (&key type name version) lisp-implementation (setf ... type ... version ... name ... ...)) (destructuring-bind (&key instance type version) machine (setf ... instance))) (let ((slime-dispatching-connection connection)) (destructuring-bind (&key pid style lisp-implementation machine features package) info (setf ... pid ... style ... features) (destructuring-bind ... package ...) (destructuring-bind ... lisp-implementation ...) (destructuring-bind ... machine ...)) (setq slime-state-name "") (when-let (p ...) (when-let ... ...)) (slime-hide-inferior-lisp-buffer) (slime-init-output-buffer connection) (run-hooks (quote slime-connected-hook)) (message "Connected. %s" (slime-random-words-of-encouragement))) slime-set-connection-info(#<process SLIME Lisp> (5836 "CMU Common Lisp" "cmucl" (:mop-store :cl-interpol :rune-is-octet :aserve :htmlgen :acl-compat :cl-ppcre :gray-streams :asdf :gerds-pcl :pcl-structures :portable-commonloops :pcl :cmu19 :cmu19a :python :conservative-float-type :modular-arith :cmucl-19a-patch-002 :cmucl-19a-patch-001 :cmucl-19a-patch-000 :mp :x86 :linkage-table :relative-package-names :linux :glibc2 :unix :random-mt19937 :gencgc :pentium :i486 :hash-new :heap-overflow-check :stack-checking :common :common-lisp :ansi-cl :ieee-floating-point :cmu) :sigio "CVS release-19a 19a-release-20040728 + minimal debian patches" "r2")) (lambda (G50154 info) (slime-set-connection-info (symbol-value G50154) info))(--proc-- (5836 "CMU Common Lisp" "cmucl" (:mop-store :cl-interpol :rune-is-octet :aserve :htmlgen :acl-compat :cl-ppcre :gray-streams :asdf :gerds-pcl :pcl-structures :portable-commonloops :pcl :cmu19 :cmu19a :python :conservative-float-type :modular-arith :cmucl-19a-patch-002 :cmucl-19a-patch-001 :cmucl-19a-patch-000 :mp :x86 :linkage-table :relative-package-names :linux :glibc2 :unix :random-mt19937 :gencgc :pentium :i486 :hash-new :heap-overflow-check :stack-checking :common :common-lisp :ansi-cl :ieee-floating-point :cmu) :sigio "CVS release-19a 19a-release-20040728 + minimal debian patches" "r2")) apply((lambda (G50154 info) (slime-set-connection-info (symbol-value G50154) info)) --proc-- (5836 "CMU Common Lisp" "cmucl" (:mop-store :cl-interpol :rune-is-octet :aserve :htmlgen :acl-compat :cl-ppcre :gray-streams :asdf :gerds-pcl :pcl-structures :portable-commonloops :pcl :cmu19 :cmu19a :python :conservative-float-type :modular-arith :cmucl-19a-patch-002 :cmucl-19a-patch-001 :cmucl-19a-patch-000 :mp :x86 :linkage-table :relative-package-names :linux :glibc2 :unix :random-mt19937 :gencgc :pentium :i486 :hash-new :heap-overflow-check :stack-checking :common :common-lisp :ansi-cl :ieee-floating-point :cmu) :sigio "CVS release-19a 19a-release-20040728 + minimal debian patches" "r2")) (lambda (&rest --cl-rest--) (apply (quote ...) (quote --proc--) --cl-rest--))((5836 "CMU Common Lisp" "cmucl" (:mop-store :cl-interpol :rune-is-octet :aserve :htmlgen :acl-compat :cl-ppcre :gray-streams :asdf :gerds-pcl :pcl-structures :portable-commonloops :pcl :cmu19 :cmu19a :python :conservative-float-type :modular-arith :cmucl-19a-patch-002 :cmucl-19a-patch-001 :cmucl-19a-patch-000 :mp :x86 :linkage-table :relative-package-names :linux :glibc2 :unix :random-mt19937 :gencgc :pentium :i486 :hash-new :heap-overflow-check :stack-checking :common :common-lisp :ansi-cl :ieee-floating-point :cmu) :sigio "CVS release-19a 19a-release-20040728 + minimal debian patches" "r2")) funcall((lambda (&rest --cl-rest--) (apply (quote ...) (quote --proc--) --cl-rest--)) (5836 "CMU Common Lisp" "cmucl" (:mop-store :cl-interpol :rune-is-octet :aserve :htmlgen :acl-compat :cl-ppcre :gray-streams :asdf :gerds-pcl :pcl-structures :portable-commonloops :pcl :cmu19 :cmu19a :python :conservative-float-type :modular-arith :cmucl-19a-patch-002 :cmucl-19a-patch-001 :cmucl-19a-patch-000 :mp :x86 :linkage-table :relative-package-names :linux :glibc2 :unix :random-mt19937 :gencgc :pentium :i486 :hash-new :heap-overflow-check :stack-checking :common :common-lisp :ansi-cl :ieee-floating-point :cmu) :sigio "CVS release-19a 19a-release-20040728 + minimal debian patches" "r2")) (if (symbol-value G50166) (funcall (symbol-value G50166) result)) (let* ((--rest--50164 rand-50162) (result ...)) (if (symbol-value G50166) (funcall ... result))) (cond ((eql op-50161 ...) (let* ... ...)) ((eql op-50161 ...) (let* ... ... ...)) (t (error "destructure-case failed: %S" tmp-50163))) (let* ((tmp-50163 G50157) (op-50161 ...) (rand-50162 ...)) (cond (... ...) (... ...) (t ...))) (lambda (G50166 G50157) (let* (... ... ...) (cond ... ... ...)))(--cont-- (:ok (5836 "CMU Common Lisp" "cmucl" (:mop-store :cl-interpol :rune-is-octet :aserve :htmlgen :acl-compat :cl-ppcre :gray-streams :asdf :gerds-pcl :pcl-structures :portable-commonloops :pcl :cmu19 :cmu19a :python :conservative-float-type :modular-arith :cmucl-19a-patch-002 :cmucl-19a-patch-001 :cmucl-19a-patch-000 :mp :x86 :linkage-table :relative-package-names :linux :glibc2 :unix :random-mt19937 :gencgc :pentium :i486 :hash-new :heap-overflow-check :stack-checking :common :common-lisp :ansi-cl :ieee-floating-point :cmu) :sigio "CVS release-19a 19a-release-20040728 + minimal debian patches" "r2"))) apply((lambda (G50166 G50157) (let* (... ... ...) (cond ... ... ...))) --cont-- (:ok (5836 "CMU Common Lisp" "cmucl" (:mop-store :cl-interpol :rune-is-octet :aserve :htmlgen :acl-compat :cl-ppcre :gray-streams :asdf :gerds-pcl :pcl-structures :portable-commonloops :pcl :cmu19 :cmu19a :python :conservative-float-type :modular-arith :cmucl-19a-patch-002 :cmucl-19a-patch-001 :cmucl-19a-patch-000 :mp :x86 :linkage-table :relative-package-names :linux :glibc2 :unix :random-mt19937 :gencgc :pentium :i486 :hash-new :heap-overflow-check :stack-checking :common :common-lisp :ansi-cl :ieee-floating-point :cmu) :sigio "CVS release-19a 19a-release-20040728 + minimal debian patches" "r2"))) (lambda (&rest --cl-rest--) (apply (quote ...) (quote --cont--) --cl-rest--))((:ok (5836 "CMU Common Lisp" "cmucl" (:mop-store :cl-interpol :rune-is-octet :aserve :htmlgen :acl-compat :cl-ppcre :gray-streams :asdf :gerds-pcl :pcl-structures :portable-commonloops :pcl :cmu19 :cmu19a :python :conservative-float-type :modular-arith :cmucl-19a-patch-002 :cmucl-19a-patch-001 :cmucl-19a-patch-000 :mp :x86 :linkage-table :relative-package-names :linux :glibc2 :unix :random-mt19937 :gencgc :pentium :i486 :hash-new :heap-overflow-check :stack-checking :common :common-lisp :ansi-cl :ieee-floating-point :cmu) :sigio "CVS release-19a 19a-release-20040728 + minimal debian patches" "r2"))) slime-dispatch-event((:return (:ok (5836 "CMU Common Lisp" "cmucl" ... :sigio "CVS release-19a 19a-release-20040728 + minimal debian patches" "r2")) 1) #<process SLIME Lisp>) slime-process-available-input(#<process SLIME Lisp>) slime-net-filter(#<process SLIME Lisp> "es\" . 2) (\"with-elapsed-run-time\" . 1) (\"with-temp-file\" . 1) (\"with-transaction\" . 1) (\"without-sync\" . 1) (\"with-transaction-log\" . 1)))\n00026A(:return (:ok (5836 \"CMU Common Lisp\" \"cmucl\" (:mop-store :cl-interpol :rune-is-octet :aserve :htmlgen :acl-compat :cl-ppcre :gray-streams :asdf :gerds-pcl :pcl-structures :portable-commonloops :pcl :cmu19 :cmu19a :python :conservative-float-type :modular-arith :cmucl-19a-patch-002 :cmucl-19a-patch-001 :cmucl-19a-patch-000 :mp :x86 :linkage-table :relative-package-names :linux :glibc2 :unix :random-mt19937 :gencgc :pentium :i486 :hash-new :heap-overflow-check :stack-checking :common :common-lisp :ansi-cl :ieee-floating-point :cmu) :sigio \"CVS release-19a 19a-release-20040728 + minimal debian patches\" \"r2\")) 1)\n") -- Kamen TOMOV .: http://www.cybuild.com/ :.

* Kamen TOMOV [2006-07-03 13:40+0200] writes:
Hi all,
I have trouble connecting to a machine running CMUCL from a Windows box, although I connect to CMUCL from a Linux box. I have CLISP 2.38 and Slime 2.0 and tried with different versions of Emacs, but without success.
It looks like version mismatch between the SWANK server on the remote machine and the local Elisp code. Try to install the same SLIME version on both machines, and don't forget to remove old fasl files in ~/.slime/fasl. Helmut.

On понеделник, Юли 03 2006, Helmut Eller wrote:
It looks like version mismatch between the SWANK server on the remote machine and the local Elisp code. Try to install the same SLIME version on both machines, and don't forget to remove old fasl files in ~/.slime/fasl.
That worked. Thank you very much! Best regards, -- Kamen TOMOV
participants (2)
Helmut Eller