Re: [slime-devel] startup problem

"Raymond Tam" <> writes:
couldn't find any 'slime.elc' file, so emacs should read the 'slime.el', which is fresh from cvs.
any other suggestion?
Strange. The EVAL-STRING function was changed two weeks ago and has now 3 arguments, but was apparently called with 2 arguments. Without additional information I can only suggest that you open the correct slime.el and M-x eval-buffer that buffer and retry. To debug the Lisp side you can set the following variables in your ~/.swank.lisp: (setq swank::*redirect-io* nil swank::*swank-in-background* nil swank::*log-events* t) This prints all received messages. If it still doesn't work, send us a complete backtrace and also exact version numbers for your Lisp/Slime/Emacs setup. Helmut.
participants (1)
Helmut Eller