Hi. i wrote a snippet to do tracing of functions allowing slime presentations (thanks to segv for helping me with present-object). Obviously this code works only on sbcl.
(defun present-object (value &key (showvalue value) (printfun #'prin1) (stream *standard-output*)) (swank::presenting-object value stream (funcall printfun showvalue stream)) value)
(defmacro present-trace (fun &rest rest) `(trace ,fun ;; present input arguments :print (present-object (let ((args nil)) (handler-case (loop for i upfrom 0 do (push (sb-debug::arg i) args)) (sb-kernel::index-too-large-error () args))) :showvalue '|inspect input| :stream *trace-output*) ;; present return values :print-after (present-object sb-debug:*trace-values* :showvalue '|inspect return values| :stream *standard-output*) ;; passing other args to trace ,@rest))
Maybe an sbcl expert can really improve and beautify this hack.
Sorry if mail is duplicated.