Oh hi,
So here's a bug on SLIME 2008-12-07.
Put this in a Lisp Slime buffer:
(defmacro rec (name (&rest vars) &body body) `(labels ((,name ,(mapcar #'car vars) ,@body)) (let* ,vars (,name ,@(mapcar #'car vars)))))
Then position your cursor before ",@(mapcar" and type any letter. SLDB appears and reappears again and again and again.
Stanisław Halik sthalik@test123.ltd.pl writes:
Oh hi,
So here's a bug on SLIME 2008-12-07.
Put this in a Lisp Slime buffer:
(defmacro rec (name (&rest vars) &body body) `(labels ((,name ,(mapcar #'car vars) ,@body)) (let* ,vars (,name ,@(mapcar #'car vars)))))
Then position your cursor before ",@(mapcar" and type any letter. SLDB appears and reappears again and again and again.
I fixed this in so far as SLDB won't show up now; instead an error message is shown in the mini buffer. Thanks for the report.