Re: [slime-devel] [Openmcl-devel] [CLSQL] Slime, CLSQL, and reader macros

On Apr 1, 2010, at 2:22 PM, Gary Byers wrote:
Without knowing what (FILE-ENABLE-SQL-READER-SYNTAX) does, how would anyone know what the problem is ? (I can guess that it tries to enable some reader macros, but I don't know how it tries to do that.)
If whatever the problem is might be a bug in CCL 1.3, have you tried 1.4 to see if the problem persists ?
The same problem occurs in 1.4. Why would this work with SBCL from Slime and from both from the REPL, but not from Slime with ccl64? Thanks, Patrick
On Thu, 1 Apr 2010, Patrick May wrote:
[ Adding OpenMCL-devel, since CCL seems to be involved somehow in this problem. ]
On Apr 1, 2010, at 10:32 AM, Nathan Bird wrote:
On 4/1/2010 9:41 AM, Patrick May wrote:
My environment is OS X 10.6.3, Clozure 1.3-r12755M, PostgreSQL 8.4.1, and CLSQL 5.0.5.
My problem is with the CLSQL square bracket syntax in Slime. If I run the code below from a REPL started at the command line, it works fine. I can use either the file-enable-sql-reader-syntax or the locally-enable-sql-reader-syntax / restore-sql-reader-syntax-state pair fine. When I evaluate the same code in Slime with C-x C-e or C-c C-r, however, I get this error when defining add-customer:
;Compiler warnings : ; In ADD-CUSTOMER: Undeclared free variable [= ; In ADD-CUSTOMER: Undeclared free variable [ID] ; In ADD-CUSTOMER: Undeclared free variable ID]
and this error when trying to add a customer object:
Unbound variable: [= [Condition of type UNBOUND-VARIABLE]
This happens with either way of enabling the square bracket syntax.
Am I misunderstanding something fundamental about Slime? Has anyone managed to use Slime for CLSQL development with the square bracket syntax?
I've only really worked with SBCL so there might be something different in the implementations, but yes the square bracket reader syntax works fine for me under slime.
Interesting. I tried this with SBCL and it worked. Why would ccl64 behave differently? (Code below.)
(in-package :common-lisp-user)
(defpackage :clsql-testing (:use :common-lisp :clsql))
(in-package :clsql-testing)
(def-view-class customer () ((id :db-kind :key :db-constraints :not-null :initarg :id :reader id :type integer) (name :db-constraints :not-null :initarg :name :reader name :type string) (phone-number :db-constraints :not-null :initarg :phone-number :accessor phone-number :type string)) (:base-table "test_customer"))
(defconstant +id-sequence+ "id_sequence")
(defun add-customer (name phone-number) "Add a customer." (let ((id (sequence-next +id-sequence+))) (update-records-from-instance (make-instance 'customer :id id :name name :phone-number phone-number)) (first (select 'customer :where [= [id] id] :flatp t))))
(connect '("localhost" "db-name" "user" "password") :database-type :postgresql-socket :if-exists :new :pool t)
(defparameter customer-foo (add-customer "Test Customer Foo" "0123456789")) (id customer-foo)
;(restore-sql-reader-syntax-state) (disconnect-pooled)
participants (1)
Patrick May