[slime-devel] Corman 2.51 (again)

I've got a fresh install of Corman Lisp 2.51 on Windows XP SP2, and a fresh install of SLIME CVS. I followed the instruction on http://www.grumblesmurf.org/lisp/corman-patches to create a patched image, but it seems something may have changed in the SLIME CVS (again) because trying to load swank-loader.lisp breaks. Back in October 2005, there was a change in swank.lisp which required an updated patch to Corman Lisp (in misc-ansi.lisp I believe, posted on grumblesmurf.org) to get it to work again. Has something else now broken it once more? Here's the error I get (which probably doesn't help much): -------------------------- ;; Corman Lisp 2.51 Copyright (c) 2005 Corman Technologies. All rights reserved. ;; Unlicensed version: For evaluation and personal use only. ;; Some limitations apply. Type :quit to exit. ?(load "load-bits.lisp") 6 ?(load "c:/xemacs/slime/swank-loader.lisp") ;;; Warning: Unused variable G11641 in function COMPILE-FILES- IF-NEEDED-SERIALLY, File c:\xemacs\slime\swank-loader.lisp, line 136 ;;; Warning: No architecture feature found in (POWERPC PPC X86 X86-64 AMD64 I686 I586 I486 PC386 IAPX386 SPARC64 SPARC HPPA64 HPPA). ;; Loading c:\xemacs\slime\swank-backend.lisp ;; Loading c:\xemacs\slime\nregex.lisp ;; Loading c:\xemacs\slime\swank-corman.lisp ;; Loading c:\xemacs\slime\swank-gray.lisp ;; Loading c:\xemacs\slime\swank.lisp Warning: T is used as a key in (T (PRINC ARG)), assuming you mean (T) ;;; Warning: Unused variable ARGUMENT-FORMS in function COMPUTE- ENRICHED-DECODED-ARGLIST, File c:\xemacs\slime\swank.lisp, line 2014 ;;; An error occurred in function #< COMPILED-FUNCTION: #xDF16F0 >: ;;; Error: #<Error #xDF7B10> ;;; Entering Corman Lisp debug loop. ;;; Use :C followed by an option to exit. Type :HELP for help. ;;; Restart options: ;;; 1 Abort to top level. :c 1 ;;; Warning: Unused variable G14600 in function INSPECT-FOR-EMACS, File c:\xemacs\slime\swank.lisp, line 3924 ;;; Warning: Unused variable G14597 in function INSPECT-FOR-EMACS, File c:\xemacs\slime\swank.lisp, line 3924 ;;; Warning: Unused variable G14596 in function INSPECT-FOR-EMACS, File c:\xemacs\slime\swank.lisp, line 3924 ;;; Warning: the following function(s) are called from forms ;;; in file "#P"c:\xemacs\slime\swank.lisp"" but have not yet been defined: ;;; SERVE ;;; WITHOUT-DEBUGGER-HOOK ;;; MAKE-BROADCAST-STREAM ;;; PRINT-ARG ;;; COMPUTE-APPLICABLE-METHODS ;;; STREAM-ERROR-STREAM ;;; Warning: These Swank interfaces are unimplemented: (ACTIVATE-STEPPING ADD-FD-HANDLER ADD-SIGIO-HANDLER CALLS-WHO DISASSEMBLE-FRAME INTERRUPT-THREAD LIST-CALLEES LIST-CALLERS PROFILE PROFILE-PACKAGE PROFILE-REPORT PROFILE-RESET PROFILED-FUNCTIONS REMOVE-FD-HANDLERS REMOVE-SIGIO-HANDLERS RESTART-FRAME RETURN-FROM-FRAME SLDB-BREAK-AT-START SLDB-BREAK-ON-RETURN TOGGLE-TRACE UNPROFILE WHO-BINDS WHO-CALLS WHO-MACROEXPANDS WHO-REFERENCES WHO-SETS WHO-SPECIALIZES) 21 ?

Am I the only one still using Corman? With the stable slime-2.0 (not CVS) Corman loads without error though there are a couple of warnings, so something's definitely changed. As I posted earlier, it breaks somewhere in swank.lisp but I'm too much of a n00b to tell where it's breaking. I could use some pointers.

* James Kirkland [2006-08-09 13:18+0200] writes:
Am I the only one still using Corman? With the stable slime-2.0 (not CVS) Corman loads without error though there are a couple of warnings, so something's definitely changed. As I posted earlier, it breaks somewhere in swank.lisp but I'm too much of a n00b to tell where it's breaking. I could use some pointers.
Some of those arglist related tests fail for CormanLisp. I added a workaround in the CVS version: it prints a message that the test fails, but it continues instead of raising an error. BTW: CormanLisp's backtraces have decent line numbers, but the error messages are pretty useless. Helmut.
participants (3)
Helmut Eller
James Kirkland
John Stoneham