[slime-devel] (def (method ...)) arglist

For folks using cl-def, definer, and other packages that have the (def (method flags) method-name) syntax, the following snippet added to ~/.swank.lisp will start using method arguments in the message area. Replace demacs:def with the correct package name, if you are not using demacs. (swank:swank-require :swank-arglists) (in-package :swank) (defmethod arglist-dispatch ((operator (eql 'demacs:def)) arguments) (flet ((is-method (elem) (or (eq elem 'method) (and (consp elem) (eq (car elem) 'method))))) (match (cons operator arguments) (('demacs:def (#'is-method elem) (#'function-exists-p gf-name) . rest) (let ((gf (fdefinition gf-name))) (when (typep gf 'generic-function) (with-available-arglist (arglist) (decode-arglist (arglist gf)) (let ((qualifiers (loop for x in rest until (or (listp x) (empty-arg-p x)) collect x))) (return-from arglist-dispatch (make-arglist :provided-args `(method ,gf-name ,@qualifiers) :required-args `(,arglist) :rest "body" :body-p t))))))) (_)) ; Fall through ) (call-next-method))
participants (1)
Max Mikhanosha