Whatever the configuration, slime should not drop in the common-lisp debugger when I'm editing a file!
FIND-SYMBOL: There is no package with name "ASDF" [Condition of type SYSTEM::SIMPLE-PACKAGE-ERROR]
Restarts: 0: [USE-VALUE] You may input a value to be used instead. 1: [ABORT] Abort handling SLIME request.
Backtrace: 0: frame binding variables (~ = dynamically): | ~ SYSTEM::*FASOUTPUT-STREAM* <--> NIL 1: EVAL frame for form (SWANK:ARGLIST-FOR-ECHO-AREA '("asdf:oo")) 2: EVAL frame for form (SWANK:START-SERVER "/tmp/slime.28369") 3: EVAL frame for form (SWANK:START-SERVER "/tmp/slime.28369")
Pascal J.Bourguignon pjb@informatimago.com writes:
Whatever the configuration, slime should not drop in the common-lisp debugger when I'm editing a file!
FIND-SYMBOL: There is no package with name "ASDF" [Condition of type SYSTEM::SIMPLE-PACKAGE-ERROR]
Fixed now.