SLIME repl-thread dies randomly during compilation on CCL/ARM Linux

When I do a longish compilation of many files, SLIME's repl thread dies at some randome point (changes all the time) during the compilation. When I go to the *inferior lisp* buffer, it's fine, but the repl buffer is dead. I don't really know where to begin trying to debug this. Working with trunk versions of both SLIME and CCL. Here's my version info: CCL: herald: Welcome to Clozure Common Lisp Version 1.11-dev-r16420M-trunk (LinuxARM32) SLIME: latest commit: commit 1942c53fc40fd6ace0e822b5c9bf551f59061f32 Author: Luís Oliveira <> Date: Mon Jun 1 22:11:38 2015 +0100 Release 2.14 Any help or insights appreciated. Thanks, Mark

"Mark H. David" <> writes:
When I do a longish compilation of many files, SLIME's repl thread dies at some randome point (changes all the time) during the compilation. When I go to the *inferior lisp* buffer, it's fine, but the repl buffer is dead. I don't really know where to begin trying to debug this. Working with trunk versions of both SLIME and CCL. Here's my version info: You should look in *slime-events*
-- With best regards, Stas.

I could not find any variable named *slime-events*. Could you mean SWANK:*LOG-EVENTS*? I evaluated it several times, but it was always just nil. Is there something to do to have it change? ----- Original message ----- From: Stas Boukarev <> To: "Mark H. David" <> Cc:, Subject: Re: [Openmcl-devel] SLIME repl-thread dies randomly during compilation on CCL/ARM Linux Date: Thu, 11 Jun 2015 00:49:42 +0300 "Mark H. David" <> writes:
When I do a longish compilation of many files, SLIME's repl thread dies at some randome point (changes all the time) during the compilation. When I go to the *inferior lisp* buffer, it's fine, but the repl buffer is dead. I don't really know where to begin trying to debug this. Working with trunk versions of both SLIME and CCL. Here's my version info: You should look in *slime-events*
-- With best regards, Stas.

On Thu, Jun 11, 2015 at 1:41 AM, Mark H. David <> wrote:
I could not find any variable named *slime-events*.
It's an Emacs buffer where SLIME events are logged. HTH, -- Luís Oliveira

OK, here's the contents of the emacs buffer *slime-events* after this happens. Can anyone see anything? (:emacs-rex (swank:connection-info) "COMMON-LISP-USER" t 1) (:return (:ok (:pid 10308 :style :spawn :encoding (:coding-systems ("utf-8-unix" "iso-latin-1-unix")) :lisp-implementation (:type "Clozure Common Lisp" :name "ccl" :version "Version 1.11-dev-r16420M-trunk (LinuxARM32)" :program nil) :machine (:instance "odroid" :type "armv7l" :version "ODROID-XU3") :features (:swank :primary-classes :common-lisp :openmcl :ccl :ccl-1\.2 :ccl-1\.3 :ccl-1\.4 :ccl-1\.5 :ccl-1\.6 :ccl-1\.7 :ccl-1\.8 :ccl-1\.9 :ccl-1\.10 :clozure :clozure-common-lisp :ansi-cl :unix :openmcl-unicode-strings :ipv6 ...) :modules ("XREF" "PREPARE-MCL-ENVIRONMENT" "SOCKETS" "LISPEQU" "CN-ENCODE" "JP-ENCODE" "VERSION" "CCL-EXPORT-SYMS" "LOOP" "MCL-COMPAT" "REMOTE-LISP" "SWANK-LOADER" "DOMINANCE" "CORE-FILES" "LEAKS" "COVER" "SWINK" "DESCRIBE" "EDIT-CALLERS" "ARGLIST" ...) :package (:name "COMMON-LISP-USER" :prompt "CL-USER") :version "2015-06-01")) 1) (:emacs-rex (swank:swank-require '(swank-indentation swank-trace-dialog swank-package-fu swank-presentations swank-fuzzy swank-fancy-inspector swank-c-p-c swank-arglists swank-repl)) "COMMON-LISP-USER" t 2) (:indentation-update (("do-lap-labels" 1 ("ARM")) ("defarmarchmacro" 2 ("ARM")) ("with-stack-short-floats" 1 ("ARM")) ("with-xp-stack-frames" 1 ("CCL")) ("with-nx-declarations" 1 ("CCL")) ("with-toplevel-commands" 1 ("CCL")) ("with-native-utf-16-cstrs" 1 ("CCL")) ("with-arm-local-vinsn-macros" 1 ("CCL")) ("with-standard-abort-handling" 1 ("CCL")) ("with-call-method-context" 1 ("CCL")) ("with-ioblock-output-lock-grabbed" 1 ("CCL")) ("do-consing-areas" 1 ("CCL")) ("in-development-mode" 0 ("CCL")) ("with-cross-compilation-target" 1 ("CCL")) ("defarmlapfunction" 2 ("CCL")) ("with-error-reentry-detection" 0 ("CCL")) ("with-eagain" 2 ("CCL")) ("do-gc-areas" 1 ("CCL")) ("%get-signed-natural" 0 ("CCL")) ("with-exception-lock" 0 ("CCL")) ...)) (:return (:ok ("SWANK-ARGLISTS" "SWANK-FANCY-INSPECTOR" "SWANK-FUZZY" "SWANK-C-P-C" "SWANK-UTIL" "SWANK-PRESENTATIONS" "SWANK-REPL" "SWANK-PACKAGE-FU" "SWANK-TRACE-DIALOG" "SWANK-INDENTATION" "XREF" "PREPARE-MCL-ENVIRONMENT" "SOCKETS" "LISPEQU" "CN-ENCODE" "JP-ENCODE" "VERSION" "CCL-EXPORT-SYMS" "LOOP" "MCL-COMPAT" ...)) 2) (:emacs-rex (swank:init-presentations) "COMMON-LISP-USER" t 3) (:emacs-rex (swank-repl:create-repl nil :coding-system "utf-8-unix") "COMMON-LISP-USER" t 4) (:return (:ok swank::present-repl-results) 3) (:return (:ok ("COMMON-LISP-USER" "CL-USER")) 4) (:indentation-update (("do-lap-labels" (("&whole" 4) "&body") ("ARM")) ("defarmarchmacro" (4 4 "&body") ("ARM")) ("with-stack-short-floats" (4 "&body") ("ARM")) ("with-xp-stack-frames" (("&whole" 4) "&body") ("CCL")) ("with-nx-declarations" (("&whole" 4) "&body") ("CCL")) ("with-toplevel-commands" (4 "&body") ("CCL")) ("with-native-utf-16-cstrs" (4 "&body") ("CCL")) ("with-arm-local-vinsn-macros" (("&whole" 4) "&body") ("CCL")) ("with-standard-abort-handling" (4 "&body") ("CCL")) ("with-call-method-context" (4 "&body") ("CCL")) ("with-ioblock-output-lock-grabbed" (("&whole" 4) "&body") ("CCL")) ("do-consing-areas" (("&whole" 4) "&body") ("CCL")) ("in-development-mode" ("&body") ("CCL")) ("with-cross-compilation-target" (("&whole" 4) "&body") ("CCL")) ("defarmlapfunction" (4 4 "&body") ("CCL")) ("with-error-reentry-detection" ("&body") ("CCL")) ("regspec-crf-gpr-case" (("&whole" 4) nil nil) ("CCL")) ("with-eagain" (4 4 "&body") ("CCL")) ("defenum" (("&whole" 4 "&rest" 1) "&rest" nil) ("CCL")) ("do-gc-areas" (("&whole" 4) "&body") ("CCL")) ...)) (:emacs-rex (swank:autodoc '("load" swank::%cursor-marker%) :print-right-margin 80) "COMMON-LISP-USER" :repl-thread 5) (:return (:ok ("(load file-name &key verbose print if-does-not-exist external-format\n preserve-optimization-settings)" t)) 5) (:emacs-rex (swank-repl:listener-eval "(load \"/home/mhd/lisp/compute-kernel/load\")\n") "COMMON-LISP-USER" :repl-thread 6) (:write-string ";Loading #P\"/home/mhd/lisp/compute-kernel/illogical-pathnames.lisp\"...") (:write-string "\n;Loading #P\"/home/mhd/lisp/compute-kernel/illogical-hosts.lisp\"...") (:write-string "\n;Loading #P\"/home/mhd/lisp/compute-kernel/init-lisp.lisp\"...") (:write-string "\n;Loading #P\"/home/mhd/lisp/compute-kernel/development-environment.lisp\"...") (:write-string "\n;Loading #P\"/home/mhd/lisp/compute-kernel/bootstrap/init-asdf.lisp\"...") (:write-string "\n;Loading #P\"/home/mhd/lisp/compute-kernel/bootstrap/init-quicklisp.lisp\"...") (:write-string "To load \"compute-kernel\":\n Load 1 ASDF system:\n compute-kernel\n") (:write-string "; Loading \"compute-kernel\"\n") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") ----- Original message ----- From: Stas Boukarev <> To: "Mark H. David" <> Cc:, Subject: Re: [Openmcl-devel] SLIME repl-thread dies randomly during compilation on CCL/ARM Linux Date: Thu, 11 Jun 2015 00:49:42 +0300 "Mark H. David" <> writes:
When I do a longish compilation of many files, SLIME's repl thread dies at some randome point (changes all the time) during the compilation. When I go to the *inferior lisp* buffer, it's fine, but the repl buffer is dead. I don't really know where to begin trying to debug this. Working with trunk versions of both SLIME and CCL. Here's my version info: You should look in *slime-events*
-- With best regards, Stas.

On Thu, Jun 11, 2015 at 7:31 PM, Mark H. David <> wrote:
(:write-string "To load \"compute-kernel\":\n Load 1 ASDF system:\n compute-kernel\n") (:write-string "; Loading \"compute-kernel\"\n") (:write-string ".")
Try setting quicklisp-client:*quickload-verbose* to t before loading your code. (Or change your call to quickload to have :verbose t.) Maybe that'll give you more hints. Cheers, -- Luís Oliveira

That did not add any verbosity in my case. But.... hey everyone, thanks for help. My problem went away: I got a fresh CCL via SVN and did a fresh build. Not sure if the fresher CCL or the updates in the tool chain (gcc, m4, as, whatnot) did the trick, or cosmic rays, but this no longer happens. That's life on the trunk. Thanks anyhow, Mark ----- Original message ----- From: Luís Oliveira <> To: "Mark H. David" <> Cc: Stas Boukarev <>, "slime-devel" <>, "openmcl-devel Development" <> Subject: Re: [Openmcl-devel] SLIME repl-thread dies randomly during compilation on CCL/ARM Linux Date: Fri, 12 Jun 2015 01:25:02 +0100 On Thu, Jun 11, 2015 at 7:31 PM, Mark H. David <> wrote:
(:write-string "To load \"compute-kernel\":\n Load 1 ASDF system:\n compute-kernel\n") (:write-string "; Loading \"compute-kernel\"\n") (:write-string ".")
Try setting quicklisp-client:*quickload-verbose* to t before loading your code. (Or change your call to quickload to have :verbose t.) Maybe that'll give you more hints. Cheers, -- Luís Oliveira
participants (3)
Luís Oliveira
Mark H. David
Stas Boukarev