[slime-devel] `slime-repl-abort-read' bug?

`slim-repl-abort-read' ignores its two arguments and just pops `slime-read-string-threads' and `slime-read-string-tags'. Is the Lisp system really assumed to request and to abort REPL reads in a LIFO manner, or is this a bug? Or is my understanding of the way SLIME's REPL read mode works bogus?

* Taylor R Campbell [2006-11-24 20:55+0100] writes:
`slim-repl-abort-read' ignores its two arguments and just pops `slime-read-string-threads' and `slime-read-string-tags'. Is the Lisp system really assumed to request and to abort REPL reads in a LIFO manner, or is this a bug?
Yes, it's a bug. But one could argue, that the current implementation satisfies LIFO unless two threads read simultaneously from the same stream [and that the stream should synchronize concurrent reads].
Or is my understanding of the way SLIME's REPL read mode works bogus?
Well, the REPL read mode is more or less broken by design. Currently, the Lisp side essentially turns a read operation on a stream into an RPC. Emacs will then switch the REPL buffer into read mode, switch back to normal mode after the user has entered some text, and return the text to Lisp. Obviously, the situation becomes horribly complicated if the RPC gets interrupted. A simpler approach would be this: like now the REPL buffer can be in "normal mode" and in "read mode". In normal mode the REPL buffer communicates only with the REPL thread (i.e. sends expressions, waits, and prints result). In read mode, we only talk to a "buffer thread" on the Lisp side. The buffer thread basically buffers the input from Emacs. If other threads want to read input from Emacs, they ask the buffer thread (instead of talking to Emacs). When should we switch between normal mode and read mode? I think it would be quite intuitive, if we switch to read mode after we sent the expression to the REPL thread and switch back to normal mode when we receive the result. With this design, we don't need to worry much about interrupts, concurrent reads can be handled by buffer thread, and the implementation the READ-CHAR-NO-HANG becomes straightforward. The only thing left is to implement this idea in a Lisp without threads. Helmut.

Date: Sat, 25 Nov 2006 00:38:20 +0100 From: Helmut Eller <heller@common-lisp.net> Yes, it's a bug. But one could argue, that the current implementation satisfies LIFO unless two threads read simultaneously from the same stream [and that the stream should synchronize concurrent reads]. OK, that makes sense; I was just not thinking straight when I read my own implementation of the Lisp side of REPL reading earlier. When should we switch between normal mode and read mode? I think it would be quite intuitive, if we switch to read mode after we sent the expression to the REPL thread and switch back to normal mode when we receive the result. With this design, we don't need to worry much about interrupts, concurrent reads can be handled by buffer thread, and the implementation the READ-CHAR-NO-HANG becomes straightforward. I'm a little confused about this. How would threads other than the REPL thread request input from the user in this model (between REPL evaluations), and why is READ-CHAR-NO-HANG any different? It seems that, for any code that is not the buffer thread, the action of reading input is no different: you send, to some input source, a request for new input. The only difference is what the input source is -- in the current model, it's Emacs, whereas in this new model, it's the buffer thread.

* Taylor R Campbell [2006-11-25 01:48+0100] writes:
I'm a little confused about this. How would threads other than the REPL thread request input from the user in this model (between REPL evaluations), and why is READ-CHAR-NO-HANG any different?
READ-CHAR-NO-HANG is different because it must return immediately, but a RPC can block indefinitely. E.g. a loop like: (loop repeat 20 until (read-char-no-hang) do (sleep 1)) should take at most 20 seconds. But if READ-CHAR-NO-HANG makes a RPC -- and in the current model it must perform a RPC, otherwise the user can't input anything -- then the loop can hang forever. The user should be allowed to send input (i.e. the REPL buffer should be in read mode) even if the Lisp system is doing something unrelated. I don't know what the expected result should be when other threads request input. A shell (with job control) blocks background processes which want to read from the terminal. E.g. a process started with $> cat & blocks until it is placed in the foreground. Slime could have similar commands to put threads in foreground/background. Alternatively there could be an explicit command to toggle between normal mode and read mode, and if another threads requests input we could print some message like: "Thread <foo> requests input. Press C-<bar> to switch to read mode" or automatically switch to read mode and let the user figure out when he wants to switch back to normal mode.
It seems that, for any code that is not the buffer thread, the action of reading input is no different: you send, to some input source, a request for new input. The only difference is what the input source is -- in the current model, it's Emacs, whereas in this new model, it's the buffer thread.
A difference is that the current model is synchronous (Emacs is in read mode only during read operations on the Lisp side) which is unsuitable for READ-CHAR-NO-HANG. Helmut.
participants (2)
Helmut Eller
Taylor R Campbell