[slime-devel] swank:tokenize-symbol-thoroughly

I'm running cvs head and using slime-fancy (which includes slime- autodoc). swank:tokenize-symbol-thoroughly is looking for a package specifier and complains if it sees more than two colons. It thinks it's parsing a symbol but this chunk of code causes it to signal an error when called with the format control string: (with-slots (n-start n-pairs min-word legal-chars pairs pair-table) db (when verbose (format t "n-start: ~d, n-pairs: ~d, min-word: ~d~%" n-start n-pairs min-word)) (dotimes (i n-pairs) (NB: this obviously isn't a fully formed sexp, just the the smallest text blob I could reproduce this with...) To reproduce this, load slime (w/ autodoc or fancy), bring the above four lines up in a lisp buffer and try to C-n to the last line (backtrace below). There's something about the first two lines that's relevant. If you delete either the (with-slots...) or (when verbose...) (or both) this doesn't happen. More than two colons in "\"n-start: ~d, n-pairs: ~d, min-word: ~d~%\"" [Condition of type SIMPLE-ERROR] Restarts: 0: [ABORT] Return to SLIME's top level. 1: [ABORT-BREAK] Reset this thread 2: [ABORT] Kill this thread Backtrace: 0: (SWANK::TOKENIZE-SYMBOL-THOROUGHLY "\"n-start: ~d, n-pairs: ~d, min-word: ~d~%\"") Locals: STRING = "\"n-start: ~d, n-pairs: ~d, min-word: ~d~%\"" PACKAGE = "\"N-START" SWANK::TOKEN = " ~D, N-PAIRS ~D, MIN-WORD" SWANK::BACKSLASH = NIL SWANK::VERTICAL = NIL SWANK::INTERNP = T CHAR = #\: #:LOOP-ACROSS-VECTOR-2378 = "\"n-start: ~d, n-pairs: ~d, min- word: ~d~%\"" #:LOOP-ACROSS-INDEX-2379 = 36 #:LOOP-ACROSS-LIMIT-2380 = 42 1: (SWANK::PARSE-SYMBOL "\"n-start: ~d, n-pairs: ~d, min-word: ~d~% \"" #<Package "COMMON-LISP-USER">) 2: (SWANK::READ-CONVERSATIVELY "\"n-start: ~d, n-pairs: ~d, min- word: ~d~%\"") 3: (SWANK::PARSE-RAW-FORM ("format" "t" "\"n-start: ~d, n-pairs: ~d, min-word: ~d~%\"" "n-start" "n-pairs" "min-word")) 4: (SWANK::PARSE-RAW-FORM ("when" "verbose" ("format" "t" "\"n- start: ~d, n-pairs: ~d, min-word: ~d~%\"" "n-start" "n-pairs" "min- word"))) 5: (SWANK::PARSE-RAW-FORM ("with-slots" ("n-start" "n-pairs" "min- word" "legal-chars" "pairs" "pair-table") "db" ..))) 6: ((:INTERNAL SWANK:ARGLIST-FOR-ECHO-AREA)) 7: (SWANK::CALL-WITH-BUFFER-SYNTAX NIL #<COMPILED-LEXICAL-CLOSURE (:INTERNAL SWANK:ARGLIST-FOR-ECHO-AREA) #x3000415FF41F>) 8: (CCL::CALL-CHECK-REGS SWANK:ARGLIST-FOR-ECHO-AREA ("with- slots" ("n-start" "n-pairs" "min-word" "legal-chars" "pairs" "pair- table") "db" ..)) :PRINT-RIGHT-MARGIN 1000 :PRINT-LINES 1) 9: (SWANK::EVAL-FOR-EMACS (SWANK:ARGLIST-FOR-ECHO-AREA ..)))) "COMMON-LISP-USER" 9) 10: ((:INTERNAL SWANK::SPAWN-WORKER-THREAD)) 11: (#<Anonymous Function #x30004124EB3F> #<Compiled-function SWANK:SWANK-DEBUGGER-HOOK #x30004138413F> #<Compiled-function (:INTERNAL SWANK::SPAWN-WORKER-THREAD) (Non-Global) #x30004131288F>) 12: (SWANK::CALL-WITH-BINDINGS ((*STANDARD-OUTPUT* . #1=#<SWANK- BACKEND::SLIME-OUTPUT-STREAM #x300041427ABD>) (*STANDARD-INPUT* . #<SWANK-BACKEND::SLIME-INPUT-STREAM #x300041427E7D>) ..))) #<COMPILED- LEXI.. 13: (SWANK::CALL-WITH-CONNECTION #<CONNECTION #x3000413BC66D> #<Compiled-function (:INTERNAL SWANK::SPAWN-WORKER-THREAD) (Non- Global) #x30004131288F>) 14: (SWANK::CALL-WITH-BINDINGS NIL #<COMPILED-LEXICAL-CLOSURE (:INTERNAL SWANK::SPAWN-WORKER-THREAD) #x3000415FFAFF>) 15: (SWANK-BACKEND::ENTRY) 16: (CCL::RUN-PROCESS-INITIAL-FORM #<PROCESS worker(14) [Active] #x300041568DBD> (#<COMPILED-LEXICAL-CLOSURE (:INTERNAL CCL::%PROCESS- RUN-FUNCTION) #x300041568B3F>)) 17: ((:INTERNAL (CCL::%PROCESS-PRESET-INTERNAL (PROCESS))) #<PROCESS worker(14) [Active] #x300041568DBD> (#<COMPILED-LEXICAL-CLOSURE (:INTERNAL CCL::%PROCESS-RUN-FUNCTION) #x300041568B3F>)) 18: ((:INTERNAL CCL::THREAD-MAKE-STARTUP-FUNCTION))

Derrell Piper <ddp@electric-loft.org> writes:
I'm running cvs head and using slime-fancy (which includes slime- autodoc).
swank:tokenize-symbol-thoroughly is looking for a package specifier and complains if it sees more than two colons. It thinks it's parsing a symbol but this chunk of code causes it to signal an error when called with the format control string:
(with-slots (n-start n-pairs min-word legal-chars pairs pair-table) db (when verbose (format t "n-start: ~d, n-pairs: ~d, min-word: ~d~%" n-start n-pairs min-word)) (dotimes (i n-pairs)
(NB: this obviously isn't a fully formed sexp, just the the smallest text blob I could reproduce this with...)
To reproduce this, load slime (w/ autodoc or fancy), bring the above four lines up in a lisp buffer and try to C-n to the last line (backtrace below). There's something about the first two lines that's relevant. If you delete either the (with-slots...) or (when verbose...) (or both) this doesn't happen. Fixed in CVS, thanks for the report.
-- With best regards, Stas.
participants (2)
Derrell Piper
Stas Boukarev