[slime-devel] Ilisp interfering with SLIME ?

Hello, I am kinda satisfied with SLIME but it is, sometimes, crashing my Lisp session. In fact sometimes when loading a file, says test.lisp, I can clear see ilip related stuff and thus, it crashes. I do *NOT* load any ilisp related stuff in my .emacs. What should I check to completely disable this /side-effect/ ? Thank you. -- Xavier Maillard| "Stand Back! I'm a programmer!" .0. zedek@gnu-rox.orgz| ..0 (+33) 326 770 221 | Webmaster, emacsfr.org 000 PGP : 0x1E028EA5 | Membre de l' APRIL

On Sat, 30 Oct 2004, Xavier Maillard wrote:
In fact sometimes when loading a file, says test.lisp, I can clear see ilip related stuff and thus, it crashes.
I do *NOT* load any ilisp related stuff in my .emacs. What should I check to completely disable this /side-effect/ ?
Uninstall ilisp? Cheers, -- Nikodemus Schemer: "Buddha is small, clean, and serious." Lispnik: "Buddha is big, has hairy armpits, and laughs."

On 1 nov 2004, Nikodemus Siivola wrote:
On Sat, 30 Oct 2004, Xavier Maillard wrote:
In fact sometimes when loading a file, says test.lisp, I can clear see ilip related stuff and thus, it crashes.
I do *NOT* load any ilisp related stuff in my .emacs. What should I check to completely disable this /side-effect/ ?
Uninstall ilisp?
AFAIK, I did *not* install any ilisp stuff :/ I think it comes with all Emacs distribution, doesn't it ? -- Hacker Wonderland Xavier Maillard| "Stand Back! I'm a programmer!" .0. zedek@gnu-rox.orgz| ..0 (+33) 326 770 221 | Webmaster, emacsfr.org 000 PGP : 0x1E028EA5 | Membre de l' APRIL

Xavier Maillard <zedek@gnu-rox.org> writes:
AFAIK, I did *not* install any ilisp stuff :/ I think it comes with all Emacs distribution, doesn't it ?
What exactly makes you believe that ILISP is loaded? Note that both SLIME and ILISP use `inf-lisp' underneath to fire up the inferior lisp process so they have some similarities. To test if ILISP is loaded you can probably evaluate (featurep 'ilisp) as Emacs Lisp. If you find that it is then perhaps you can tell us what Emacs version and operating system distribution you're using and about anything ilisp-related in your ~/.emacs. Cheers, Luke

On 1 nov 2004, Luke Gorrie wrote:
Xavier Maillard <zedek@gnu-rox.org> writes:
AFAIK, I did *not* install any ilisp stuff :/ I think it comes with all Emacs distribution, doesn't it ?
What exactly makes you believe that ILISP is loaded? Note that
Message echoed when opening a lisp file :) And I am sure of what I have seen since I can verify this by switching to the Messages buffer.
both SLIME and ILISP use `inf-lisp' underneath to fire up the inferior lisp process so they have some similarities.
To test if ILISP is loaded you can probably evaluate (featurep 'ilisp) as Emacs Lisp. If you find that it is then perhaps you
No need to test that.
can tell us what Emacs version and operating system distribution you're using and about anything ilisp-related in your ~/.emacs.
Nothing AFAIK. NO, really the problem is not coming from my .emacs or so. On this running emacs, I don't see the problem when loading a lisp file whereas I can clearly see it on another emacs using emacs-snapshot package. I think the problem is not SLIME but emacs-snaphsot Debian package. It seems it is loading ilisp on his own. Sorry for the noise, I am reporting this to the debian maintainer. Thank you. -- Xavier Maillard| "Stand Back! I'm a programmer!" .0. zedek@gnu-rox.orgz| ..0 (+33) 326 770 221 | Webmaster, emacsfr.org 000 PGP : 0x1E028EA5 | Membre de l' APRIL

Xavier Maillard <zedek@gnu-rox.org> writes:
What exactly makes you believe that ILISP is loaded? Note that
Message echoed when opening a lisp file :) And I am sure of what I have seen since I can verify this by switching to the Messages buffer.
If you're sure then that's okay, but if you want more help then you'll have to say what the message is so that we can decide for ourselves :-)
On this running emacs, I don't see the problem when loading a lisp file whereas I can clearly see it on another emacs using emacs-snapshot package. I think the problem is not SLIME but emacs-snaphsot Debian package. It seems it is loading ilisp on his own.
Sorry for the noise, I am reporting this to the debian maintainer.
Maybe you need to 'apt-get remove ilisp'? In general I think it would be reasonable for a Debian package to auto-load a Lisp development package when, say, a lisp-mode file is opened. It's unfortunate though that loading ILISP has direct side-effects on lisp-mode that we can't easily override. P.S., afaik GNU Emacs does not include ILISP in any version. Cheers, Luke

On 1 nov 2004, Luke Gorrie wrote:
Xavier Maillard <zedek@gnu-rox.org> writes:
What exactly makes you believe that ILISP is loaded? Note that
Message echoed when opening a lisp file :) And I am sure of what I have seen since I can verify this by switching to the Messages buffer.
If you're sure then that's okay, but if you want more help then you'll have to say what the message is so that we can decide for ourselves :-)
Well I could just past the message buffer contents here, but I won't since I am pretty sure the problem is due to Emacs packaging (and I have a ilisp debian package installed). My guess is that you are right: I should remove ilisp since I have never used it before and won't use it ;)
On this running emacs, I don't see the problem when loading a lisp file whereas I can clearly see it on another emacs using emacs-snapshot package. I think the problem is not SLIME but emacs-snaphsot Debian package. It seems it is loading ilisp on his own.
Sorry for the noise, I am reporting this to the debian maintainer.
Maybe you need to 'apt-get remove ilisp'?
Yes. Done ;) This fixed the problem BTW :/ Now only slime is loaded and that's fine this way.
In general I think it would be reasonable for a Debian package to auto-load a Lisp development package when, say, a lisp-mode file is opened. It's unfortunate though that loading ILISP has direct side-effects on lisp-mode that we can't easily override.
I agree with you but when a user says explicitly what he wants to do with his lisp files, I think default behavior should be overridden by user settings -i.e. SLIME should have been used solely and Emacs should have forgotten about ilisp-. Nevermind, now all is cool.
P.S., afaik GNU Emacs does not include ILISP in any version.
Yup. I forgot to check if anything had been added before telling this ;) Thank you for help and support. -- In Gruuik we trust
participants (3)
Luke Gorrie
Nikodemus Siivola
Xavier Maillard