[slime-devel] stuck polling on windows

Hi I'm trying to get slime and slime-mode working with acl82express (Allegro CL 8.2). Here is the relevant part of my .emacs: ; This is sample code for starting and specifying defaults to the ; Emacs-Lisp interface. (push "c:/acl82express/eli" load-path) (load "fi-site-init.el") (setq fi:common-lisp-image-name "c:/acl82express/alisp") (setq fi:common-lisp-image-file "c:/acl82express/alisp.dxl") (setq fi:common-lisp-directory "c:/acl82express/") (add-to-list 'load-path "c:/Users/Mike/Downloads/slime-current/slime-current/slime-2012-09-27/") ; your SLIME directory (setq inferior-lisp-program "c:/acl82express/allegro-express.exe") ; your Lisp system (require 'slime) (slime-setup) When I do 'M-x slime' this is at the top of *inferior-lisp*: (progn (load "c:/Users/Mike/Downloads/slime-current/slime-current/slime-2012-09-27/swank-loader.lisp" :verbose t) (funcall (read-from-string "swank-loader:init")) (funcall (read-from-string "swank:start-server") "c:/Users/Mike/AppData/Local/Temp/slime.8336")) and this from *Messages*: Loading paren...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-site-init.el (source)... Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-vers.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-utils.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-keys.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-modes.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-indent.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-gnu.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-subproc.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-sublisp.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-basic-lep.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-lep.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-dmode.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-composer.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-lze.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-changes.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-db.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-stream.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-ring.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-filec.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-shell.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-rlogin.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-telnet.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-su.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-manual.elc... Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-manual-data.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-manual.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-emacs21.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-site-init.el (source)...done package specification is `USER' Loading dired...done Loading vc-cvs...done Loading prolog...done Wrote c:/Users/Mike/.emacs.desktop.lock Desktop: 14 buffers restored. For information about GNU Emacs and the GNU system, type C-h C-a. call-interactively: Beginning of buffer Slime mode enabled Quit Polling "c:/Users/Mike/AppData/Local/Temp/slime.8336".. (Abort with `M-x slime-abort-connection'.) [95 times] Mark set Polling "c:/Users/Mike/AppData/Local/Temp/slime.8336".. (Abort with `M-x slime-abort-connection'.) [132 times] and it just keeps polling and when I check in c:/Users/Mike/AppData/Local/Temp/, slime.8336 isn't there. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? I can repost if more/different output is needed. FWIW, I'm running under an account with admin privs. Thanks in advance. Cheers, Mike

In article <5065C8AD.3090405@onetel.com>, mike <mikereape@onetel.com> wrote:
I'm trying to get slime and slime-mode working with acl82express (Allegro CL 8.2).
Here is the relevant part of my .emacs:
; This is sample code for starting and specifying defaults to the ; Emacs-Lisp interface. (push "c:/acl82express/eli" load-path) (load "fi-site-init.el") (setq fi:common-lisp-image-name "c:/acl82express/alisp") (setq fi:common-lisp-image-file "c:/acl82express/alisp.dxl") (setq fi:common-lisp-directory "c:/acl82express/")
Hello, I don't understand why you load eli here, I think this Franz much older alternative to Slime. Take a look at: http://www.franz.com/emacs/slime.lhtml On Mac OSX, I just have (setq inferior-lisp-program "/Applications/AllegroCL/alisp") in an emacs file and acl 8.2 start happily The above mentionned page gives specific instructions on how to proceed on windows. regards Karsten

On Fri, 28 Sep 2012 09:56:29 -0600, mike <mikereape@onetel.com> wrote:
I'm trying to get slime and slime-mode working with acl82express (Allegro CL 8.2).
Here is the relevant part of my .emacs:
; This is sample code for starting and specifying defaults to the ; Emacs-Lisp interface. (push "c:/acl82express/eli" load-path) (load "fi-site-init.el") (setq fi:common-lisp-image-name "c:/acl82express/alisp") (setq fi:common-lisp-image-file "c:/acl82express/alisp.dxl") (setq fi:common-lisp-directory "c:/acl82express/")
(add-to-list 'load-path "c:/Users/Mike/Downloads/slime-current/slime-current/slime-2012-09-27/") ; your SLIME directory (setq inferior-lisp-program "c:/acl82express/allegro-express.exe") ; your Lisp system (require 'slime) (slime-setup)
When I do 'M-x slime' this is at the top of *inferior-lisp*:
(progn (load "c:/Users/Mike/Downloads/slime-current/slime-current/slime-2012-09-27/swank-loader.lisp" :verbose t) (funcall (read-from-string "swank-loader:init")) (funcall (read-from-string "swank:start-server") "c:/Users/Mike/AppData/Local/Temp/slime.8336"))
and this from *Messages*:
Loading paren...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-site-init.el (source)... Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-vers.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-utils.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-keys.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-modes.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-indent.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-gnu.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-subproc.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-sublisp.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-basic-lep.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-lep.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-dmode.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-composer.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-lze.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-changes.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-db.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-stream.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-ring.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-filec.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-shell.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-rlogin.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-telnet.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-su.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-manual.elc... Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-manual-data.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-manual.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-emacs21.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-site-init.el (source)...done package specification is `USER' Loading dired...done Loading vc-cvs...done Loading prolog...done Wrote c:/Users/Mike/.emacs.desktop.lock Desktop: 14 buffers restored. For information about GNU Emacs and the GNU system, type C-h C-a. call-interactively: Beginning of buffer Slime mode enabled Quit Polling "c:/Users/Mike/AppData/Local/Temp/slime.8336".. (Abort with `M-x slime-abort-connection'.) [95 times] Mark set Polling "c:/Users/Mike/AppData/Local/Temp/slime.8336".. (Abort with `M-x slime-abort-connection'.) [132 times]
and it just keeps polling and when I check in c:/Users/Mike/AppData/Local/Temp/, slime.8336 isn't there.
Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? I can repost if more/different output is needed. FWIW, I'm running under an account with admin privs.
Thanks in advance.
Cheers, Mike
I recall this happened to me a while back when I was trying out Windows 8 with SLIME... As it turns out, it happened to be how my temp folder was setup... Does it work when you set a "TEMP" environment variable so it points to a path with no spaces in it? So: 1) Create a folder in C: called "Temp"... 2) Start -> [Right Click] "Computer" -> Properties -> Advanced system settings -> Environment Variables... 3) At the top, set "TEMP" to "C:\Temp" (The folder you created in Step 1). 4) [Click] "Ok". 5) Start up Emacs and try SLIME again... 6) ??? 7) PROFIT! Does this help any..? -- The Arch foe

On 02/10/2012 17:14, Archenoth wrote:
On Fri, 28 Sep 2012 09:56:29 -0600, mike <mikereape@onetel.com> wrote:
I'm trying to get slime and slime-mode working with acl82express (Allegro CL 8.2).
Here is the relevant part of my .emacs:
; This is sample code for starting and specifying defaults to the ; Emacs-Lisp interface. (push "c:/acl82express/eli" load-path) (load "fi-site-init.el") (setq fi:common-lisp-image-name "c:/acl82express/alisp") (setq fi:common-lisp-image-file "c:/acl82express/alisp.dxl") (setq fi:common-lisp-directory "c:/acl82express/")
(add-to-list 'load-path "c:/Users/Mike/Downloads/slime-current/slime-current/slime-2012-09-27/") ; your SLIME directory (setq inferior-lisp-program "c:/acl82express/allegro-express.exe") ; your Lisp system (require 'slime) (slime-setup)
When I do 'M-x slime' this is at the top of *inferior-lisp*:
(progn (load "c:/Users/Mike/Downloads/slime-current/slime-current/slime-2012-09-27/swank-loader.lisp" :verbose t) (funcall (read-from-string "swank-loader:init")) (funcall (read-from-string "swank:start-server") "c:/Users/Mike/AppData/Local/Temp/slime.8336"))
and this from *Messages*:
Loading paren...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-site-init.el (source)... Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-vers.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-utils.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-keys.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-modes.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-indent.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-gnu.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-subproc.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-sublisp.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-basic-lep.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-lep.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-dmode.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-composer.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-lze.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-changes.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-db.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-stream.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-ring.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-filec.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-shell.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-rlogin.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-telnet.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-su.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-manual.elc... Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-manual-data.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-manual.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-emacs21.elc...done Loading c:/acl82express/eli/fi-site-init.el (source)...done package specification is `USER' Loading dired...done Loading vc-cvs...done Loading prolog...done Wrote c:/Users/Mike/.emacs.desktop.lock Desktop: 14 buffers restored. For information about GNU Emacs and the GNU system, type C-h C-a. call-interactively: Beginning of buffer Slime mode enabled Quit Polling "c:/Users/Mike/AppData/Local/Temp/slime.8336".. (Abort with `M-x slime-abort-connection'.) [95 times] Mark set Polling "c:/Users/Mike/AppData/Local/Temp/slime.8336".. (Abort with `M-x slime-abort-connection'.) [132 times]
and it just keeps polling and when I check in c:/Users/Mike/AppData/Local/Temp/, slime.8336 isn't there.
Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? I can repost if more/different output is needed. FWIW, I'm running under an account with admin privs.
Thanks in advance.
Cheers, Mike
I recall this happened to me a while back when I was trying out Windows 8 with SLIME... As it turns out, it happened to be how my temp folder was setup... Does it work when you set a "TEMP" environment variable so it points to a path with no spaces in it? So:
1) Create a folder in C: called "Temp"... 2) Start -> [Right Click] "Computer" -> Properties -> Advanced system settings -> Environment Variables... 3) At the top, set "TEMP" to "C:\Temp" (The folder you created in Step 1). 4) [Click] "Ok". 5) Start up Emacs and try SLIME again... 6) ??? 7) PROFIT!
Does this help any..?
Thanks for the detailed help. It will be a few days before I can try that though. I'll let you know how I got on. Cheers, Mike
participants (3)
Karsten Poeck