[slime-devel] Some remarks

Hi! I've finally found some spare hours to play with SLIME. I used the current CVS version (updated this morning) with CMUCL 18e and, wow, I'm really amazed! Great work, guys!!! While I came across a few minor bugs and lost the connection once or twice I still get the feeling that even CVS HEAD seems to be very stable and grown-up. I think I'll drop ILISP and work with SLIME exclusively from now on. Below are a couple of minor remarks which I hope are helpful: 1. The function slime-remove-notes is bound to C-c M-c while the manual says M-c. 2. The shortcut ,change-directory uses a function read-directory-name which I don't seem to have. I'm using GNU Emacs 21.3. 3. Is there a specific reason that RET isn't bound to newline-and-indent (or something similar) as in ILISP but only to C-j? 4. Load CL-PPCRE, than invoke slime-apropos-package (a cool function by the way). Now position the cursor above PPCRE-SYNTAX-ERROR and invoke slime-edit-definition. I get: No matching method for the generic-function #<Standard-Generic-Function PCL:COMPUTE-APPLICABLE-METHODS-USING-CLASSES (1) {281DF8F1}>, when called with arguments (#<Closure Over Function "DEFUN %DEFINE-CONDITION" {4879E009}> (#<CONDITIONS::CONDITION-CLASS PPCRE-SYNTAX-ERROR {486B867D}>)). [Condition of type NO-APPLICABLE-METHOD] 5. In the same *SLIME Apropos* buffer position the cursor above CREATE-SCANNER and invoke slime-edit-definition. Now I get: Error in function COMMON-LISP::%%TYPEP: Unknown type specifier: C::FILE-SOURCE-LOCATION [Condition of type SIMPLE-ERROR] 6. I think that slime-interactive-eval is a very useful function and IMHO the C-c : keybinding should also be available in the Slime REPL. Yeah, I know that you actually don't need to use the minibuffer while you're in the REPL but in the long run it'd be easier for my muscle memory to always be sure that C-c : is there without thinking... :) 7. The fact that SPC (slime-space) still works and does the right thing after you've started entering arguments (contrary to ILISP) is very cool and a real time-saver for me!! Thanks to all for this great package! Cheers, Edi.
participants (1)
Edi Weitz