[slime-devel] can't start slime-scratch buffer

hello, i follow Peter's post :Installing CLISP, Emacs, and SLIME on Windows XP(http://www.pchristensen.com/blog/articles/installing-clisp-emacs-and-slime-o...) and it works.But when i enter M-x slime-scratch ,emacs says no match key,and nothing happens.Is there anybody who ever got this problem? Thank you!

* allenjwd [2008-06-07 17:36+0200] writes:
hello, i follow Peter's post :Installing CLISP, Emacs, and SLIME on Windows XP(http://www.pchristensen.com/blog/articles/installing-clisp-emacs-and-slime-o...) and it works.But when i enter M-x slime-scratch ,emacs says no match key,and nothing happens.Is there anybody who ever got this problem?
slime-scratch must be loaded before the command is available. You can do this if you pass it as parameter to slime-setup in your .emacs like this: (slime-setup '(slime-scratch)) This will load slime-scratch when slime is loaded. You could also load it manually with `M-x load-library slime-scratch RET'. Helmut.
participants (2)
Helmut Eller