Since upgrading to emacs 26.1 (because emacs 25 has problems with pegging the cpu on mac), I get some weird problems with slime. Is anyone else using slime with emacs 26.1? Here is an example problem I have. Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function slime-changelog-date) slime-changelog-date() slime-startup-message() slime-repl-update-banner() slime-init-output-buffer(#<process SLIME Lisp>) slime-repl-connected-hook-function() run-hooks(slime-connected-hook) slime-set-connection-info( ... stuff deleted ....) But when I look in the function slime-startup-message, there is no mention of slime-changelog-date. (defun slime-startup-message () (when slime-header-line-p (setq header-line-format (format "%s Port: %s Pid: %s" (slime-lisp-implementation-type) (slime-connection-port (slime-connection)) (slime-pid)))) (when (zerop (buffer-size)) (let ((welcome (concat "; SLIME " slime-version))) (if slime-startup-animation (animate-string welcome 0 0) (insert welcome)))))

Your slime installation is broken / is in multiple places. On Tue, Feb 19, 2019 at 1:21 PM Jim Newton <jimka.issy@gmail.com> wrote:
Since upgrading to emacs 26.1 (because emacs 25 has problems with pegging the cpu on mac), I get some weird problems with slime. Is anyone else using slime with emacs 26.1?
Here is an example problem I have.
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function slime-changelog-date) slime-changelog-date() slime-startup-message() slime-repl-update-banner() slime-init-output-buffer(#<process SLIME Lisp>) slime-repl-connected-hook-function() run-hooks(slime-connected-hook) slime-set-connection-info( ... stuff deleted ....)
But when I look in the function slime-startup-message, there is no mention of slime-changelog-date.
(defun slime-startup-message () (when slime-header-line-p (setq header-line-format (format "%s Port: %s Pid: %s" (slime-lisp-implementation-type) (slime-connection-port (slime-connection)) (slime-pid)))) (when (zerop (buffer-size)) (let ((welcome (concat "; SLIME " slime-version))) (if slime-startup-animation (animate-string welcome 0 0) (insert welcome)))))

It can also be stale .elc files or something went wrong with loading new files into the running Emacs if you updated packages after upgrading to 26.1. You can use FIND-FUNCTION to see the file Emacs last loaded a function from. If you set LOAD-PREFER-NEWER to T in your init file before loading any packages, Emacs will load the source file if the corresponding byte-compiled file is older. Deleting the SLIME .elc files, re-compiling the .el files (* . elc D then * . el B in dired), and reloading Emacs will ensure that everything is loaded correctly. Vladimir
participants (3)
Jim Newton
Stas Boukarev
Vladimir Sedach