Hi there! Again I wanted to ask for opinions or solutions on the following problem.
My setting is a Debian Stable with a 2.6.24 Kernel, cmucl 19b and slime from todays CVS. This whole thing takes place at a newly, dedicated server where I hoped this problem would not persist (in contrast to my PC which has the same specs). Unfortunately it does, so this is why I am posting again :)
Ok, so I startup cmucl with the following initfile:
(require 'asdf) (pushnew "/usr/share/common-lisp/systems/" asdf:*central-registry* :test #'equal) (pushnew #p"/home/lisper/slime/" asdf:*central-registry* :test #'equal) (load "/home/lisper/slime/swank-loader.lisp") (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :swank) ;;(setf swank:*use-dedicated-output-stream* nil) ;;(swank:create-server :port 4005 :dont-close t)
Once at the prompt within cmucl I enter
* (swank:create-server :port 4005 :dont-close t) ;; Swank started at port: 4005.
4005 And I can now, for example from another console via emacs comfortably via M-x slime-connect. Ok, so I have the REPL and everything but at some point I want to close the emacs-session (when I need to logout, for example) and I hit M-x slime-disconnect.
What happens on the server-lisp running the swank server is this: * ;; Connection to Emacs lost. ;; [End-of-File on #<Stream for descriptor 6>]
I am thrown in to the debugger, which is not really what I want, especially when I want to run this in the background and need to trust that at least swank works fine. Maybe, if you can tell me, this is safe to ignore. I don't know. I tried create-server with suggestions from a post earlier this week :style :spawn, :style :fd-handler, etc.. . It did not work and I don't know what to do. Am I the only one with this problem?
Thank you for helping me with this :)
On Sat, 10 Dec 2005, Alexis Rondeau wrote:
Hi there! Again I wanted to ask for opinions or solutions on the following problem.
My setting is a Debian Stable with a 2.6.24 Kernel, cmucl 19b and slime from
todays CVS.
Be sure to send a copy of your kernel sources to Linus T! It'll save him a lot of pain.
But seriously, I did what you described, and got the
- ;; Connection to Emacs lost.
;; [End-of-File on #<Stream for descriptor 6>]
message, but didn't end up in the debugger, and could slime-connect again, with no problems at all. swank::*communication-style* here is :sigio.
ps: CMUCL "Snapshot 2005-10 (19C)", kernel 2.6.12-1.1381_FC3
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