[Small-cl-src-discuss] Web page revamp (and possible default-license-change)

Now that Actual Round Tuits seem to have arrived, so I have done some changes taht I think are in line with what we discussed before. The following text should now appear on the "small-cl-src" information page: ----------------------------------- This mailing list is intended for "small" Common Lisp sources. For now, "small" is defined as single-file, less than 64 KB, in plain text. Unless other is specified, anything posted to the list from 2004-07-01 is presumed to be "copyright owner, use as you want, keep the copyright notice on relevant code" unless explicitly noted otherwise. Anything posted prior to this date can be presumed to be "ask poster, do no assume a license". ------------------------------------ If people are unhappy with that, I am willing to change it. I think it's more-or-less in line with what was opreviously discussed. //Ingvar
participants (1)