Update of /project/stamp/cvsroot/stamp In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv12711 Modified Files: stamp.lisp Log Message: Stamp now has an info pane in which currently the current folder is shown. Other information can go here later. At the moment is just means that we could potentially introduce another layout without the "folders" and still be able to know the current one. --- /project/stamp/cvsroot/stamp/stamp.lisp 2007/01/04 10:12:15 1.8 +++ /project/stamp/cvsroot/stamp/stamp.lisp 2007/01/04 12:01:51 1.9 @@ -64,6 +64,16 @@ :height 20 :max-height 20 :min-height 20)) +(defclass stamp-info-pane (esa:info-pane) + () + (:default-initargs + :height 20 :max-height 20 :min-height 20 + :display-function 'display-info + :incremental-redisplay t)) + +(defun display-info (frame pane) + (format pane "Folder: ~a" (car (current-folder frame)))) + (clim:define-application-frame stamp (esa:esa-frame-mixin clim:standard-application-frame) ((folders :initform (list (cons "Inbox" *inbox-folder*)) @@ -88,6 +98,7 @@ :height 450)) (adjuster1 (clim:make-pane 'clim-extensions:box-adjuster-gadget)) (adjuster2 (clim:make-pane 'clim-extensions:box-adjuster-gadget)) + (info (clim:make-pane 'stamp-info-pane)) (minibuffer (clim:make-pane 'stamp-minibuffer-pane :width 900))) (:layouts (default-layout (clim:vertically () @@ -99,6 +110,7 @@ (clim:scrolling (:width 800 :height 150) headers-pane) adjuster2 (clim:scrolling (:height 450) message-pane))) + info minibuffer))) (:top-level (esa:esa-top-level)))
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