Quoting Robert Strandh (strandh@labri.fr):
CLOS dispatch in single charcter output is likely to be really rather slow Yes. Could this be solved by simply adding stream-read-sequence and stream-write-sequence methods to the protocol?
Well, no. I see the following kinds of streams: - unbuffered I/O This kind of stream is available in Unix as read() and write() (although there is no stream "object" in this layer other than the file descriptor). But it is an important concept and usually the lower layer other concepts are building on. Common Lisp does not know unbuffered I/O. Simple Streams call this the "device level" and provide support for it by documenting the device level functions, allowing the user to implement them using CLOS and also to call them directly, bypassing upper layers (not very elegant but at least possible). Gray streams would allow for a stream to be unbuffered, but then there are all the single-character/single-byte functions in the API which do not make at lot of sense at this layer, because callers would only want to use the read-/write-sequence functions on such a stream for speed reasons. - buffered I/O (of characters or bytes) This is provided by C's stdio and by Common Lisp streams. (But not in an extensible way using portable features in either language.) It is an abstraction needed for file I/O, sockets, etc. A very common application that should be fast. Gray streams mirror the Common Lisp functions for this layer, but have a speed and design problem: If buffering is used anyway, the right abstraction is to document the buffer instead of having many streams reimplement it poorly. Or at least that must be the idea behind simple streams. Answering your question: It does not help at all to provide fast read-/write-sequence at this layer if read-/write-byte are not fast, since this layer is all about the buffering. If I wanted to prebuffer my output into long sequences and write those instead, I would not need this layer in the first place (it would buffer the same data a second time) and use unbuffered I/O instead. - more general stream-like objects which don't involve such a buffer stdio and Common Lisp do not know this. An example would be CLIM, which takes the Common Lisp API for streams with similar purposes but a completely different implementation. A buffer of bytes would not help for such streams at all, yet re-using the existing stream API appears better than reinventing it. Gray streams try to provide for this using CLOS. CMUCL's ansi-streams solve it without CLOS by simulating their own object system. Problems with the simple stream approach include streams which are buffered in a sense, but in a different way than the original protocol designer hoped they would be. For example, string streams are special case which users would not be able to implement if the simple streams implementation would have provided for that. Problems with CMUCL's ANSI-STREAM include that they are structures and that other implementations might not willingly adopt some ad-hoc object system in its stream layer just for compatibility with, say, SBCL. OTOH simple streams, while simpler due to CLOS, seem to struggle with that CLOS usage: As far as I understand it, there are funny attempts at optimizing CLOS access away which are not exactly beautiful. Extensibility for buffered I/O must be provided at the device level as with simple streams. Extensibility for arbitrary streams at or slightly below the ANSI CL level. So ANSI-STREAMs and simple streams are not alternative proposals for the same problem, but for different problems. My claim is that both abstractions are needed. Buffered I/O because it is the most common case. More general streams because Lisp people are used to them. It would be nice if buffered I/O was implemented using the general abstractions. Right now I do not see how to implement, say, simple streams as ANSI-STREAMs largely because the latter are structures.
Probably not if we need to keep track of column position as well, which is another reason for eliminating the GFs that talk about columns.
The column position is optional already in that it may be NIL if the stream does not know the concept. So other than not being general enough, it does not do any harm either. Its importance would depend upon who the major users are. FRESH-LINE probably. Does the pretty-printer need it? d.