If I try to intern a string so I can call a function with this name,
Hunchentoot returns an error that this function is not defined.
For example, if in a HT request handler I call (apply 'some-func '("str1"
"str2")) everything is OK, the function is called.
If I call it like (apply (intern "SOME-FUNC") '("str1" "str2")) an exception
occurs saying that SOME-FUNC is not defined.
I need it to compose a function name by concatenating strings.
BTW, when I do the same thing from REPL, both ways work.
I am still just learing lisp and maybe this is not specifically HT related
question, but I'd like to know why it happens.
I am using hunchentoot-0.14.2 and sbcl 1.0.6.
Thank you,